rural relocation : LUSENET : Y2K PERSONALS : One Thread

I would like to find a partner or partners interested in relocating to very rural Northern Calif(central)in a large county with only 45,000 population. Air and water are pristine and water is available out of a mountain spring nearby. There is hunting and fishing galore. Towns are very small and rents and some properties are quite cheap.Two bedroom houses with yards can go for as little as 350-400 per month. Some have acreage and wood-burning stoves included for a little more. Apartments can be about the same or even cheaper. Saw an add recently for a two floor chalet on a creek for 400 per month with some utilities paid as an example. I am a single male currently living in Portland, Or. I am open to other alternatives, communities etc. but have a preference to stay in the western states currently as it is just easier for relocation etc.but am open to suggestions. Thanks, Terry.

-- terry stecklein (, September 27, 1999



ANY of California, is soon to be a BAD PLACE TO BE. Just look, Guns are being banned every day, and Jan 1, 2000, will be the deadline for turning them in. People will soon be at war with the crooks and polititions of California. Find you a place in the mountains of Wyoming, or Utah.

-- Victor Pirie (, September 28, 1999.

Hi Terry, I'm afraid I have to agree with Victor about California. Although Northern California is culturally different from the other end of the state, the politics is controlled by the Southern half. Most gun control in the country starts on the Left Coast.

I'm temporarily working in Colorado, and plan to start looking for land in the southern part of Colorado, or another western state. I also would like to start a small community of "Libertarian Survivalists". Anyone have suggestions?

-- Jeff Graham (, January 23, 2000.

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