In lieu of Y2K preps, what are the law enforcement agencys doing with all this stuff? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I am new to this forum, and maybe this has been addressed before. I work for the United States Government at one of the Defense Reutilization Marketing Offices (DRMO) in the U.S. Our agency receives excess government property from all branches of the Armed Services, as well as federal agencies. This covers everything from office furniture and computers, to military clothing and military vehicles.

With the draw down of the military, over the past five years, our offices have received millions upon millions of dollars worth of excess government property that was turned in, for us to dispose of. One of the things that has fascinated me in the past few years since WACO is the number of federal and state law enforcement agencies that are allowed to reutilize (acquire for free), millions upon millions of dollars worth of military vehicles, including humvees, peacekeepers, armoured personnel carriers, and all types of military clothing, most especially the battle dress uniforms (BDUs).

I have never been a law enforcement officer, sherriffs deputy, or even a rent-a-cop (security guard).

What concerns me is this: Why would a small town sherriffs office with a pool of less than a dozen deputies need to acquire several hundred sets of BDU's? Why would a small town law enforcement agency like that mentioned above need a Humvee or two, or a "peacekeeper" vehicle?

I have witnessed dozens and dozens of law enforcement agencies come to the DRMO's and get all of these things and more. Thousands of rifle bayonets have been issued out to police organizations. Why? It seems to me that our police organizations have transformed from law enforcement agencies that were "to serve and protect" into para-military organizations that shoot first and ask questions later, assuming there are any survivors. Does this smell of NWO or am I being delusional?

-- Len (, September 27, 1999


Around here BDUs might be useful for spring turkey hunting, but not much use in January (in South Dakota).

My question is: are any of these law enforcement agencies requesting winter issue? Snow suits, thermal underwear, pack boots, parkas, etc.

Most likely a lot of that stuff ends up going home with the officers for their personal use (it is free after all).

Well, except maybe for the tanks and humvees...

-- Sam Mcgee (, September 28, 1999.


No, I don't think you're delusional and it does indeed smell of the NWO. I've always believed that the NWO goal is to gradually blend all of these different organizations into one, just like they plan to do with the different currencies and eventually all the different countries.

The smartest place to begin this kind of transition would be in the area of "enforcement" (or however you want to label it) so that any resistance to other such changes could be dealt with in a consistent fashion under the same controlling authority so that success would be guaranteed. After all, if there is only one army in the world, then who's going to try to fight them? Terrorists? For a short while maybe, but by the time all of the government forces are united they will have long since eliminated any possibility of this.

I've also heard of instances where National Guardsmen have been conducting training in combination with NATO and regular military troops, most likely with the ultimate goal that they will eventually all be one and the same.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 28, 1999.


-- free for all (could@use.tank), September 28, 1999.

In answer to the question about cold weather gear...yes. Any and all types, snow suits, cold weather parkas, those mittens with the separate trigger finger, bunny boots, white, green, any and all.

-- Len (, September 28, 1999.

easy answer: it's free. can be resold( better ROI than speed trap) given to hunting buddies, make everyone look cool. where can I get mine? humvee would be good for the deer lease and commuting in style.

-- Small Town (, September 28, 1999.


No, I don't think you're delusional and it does indeed smell of the NWO. I've always believed that the NWO goal is to gradually blend all of these different organizations into one...

Actually, the opposite seems to be true. Now that the Waco sh*t is hitting the fan, you have the FBI blaming Justice, Justice pointing the finger at ATF, and no one can seem to say just who gave permission for Delta Force to be present. If this were one organization (under the same banner at least) then there would be no one to pass the blame to. If one department winds up taking the heat here, the others will get off relatively clean.

Here in NJ there was recently a big scandel concerning state troopers stopping black motorists because they fit the 'profile' of a drug courier. Anyone found with large amounts cash had it confiscated (nevermind the fact that the cars they stopped were headed south with money, as opposed to north with the real drugs). Now, everyone here is blaming the troopers, but no one is looking at the fact that whevenever a seizure occurs it almost always involves a federal agency. That makes it a federal issue, not subject to NJ state law where cases involving seizures are subject to a jury trial. They couldn't get away with stuff like this if the same agency was responsible up and down the chain of command.


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), September 28, 1999.

Met three law enforcement officers in the past three months who said

we're going to have "civil unrest". One said, "Be ready and be


Remember what Ed Yourdon asked, "What good is it if your're prepared

and your neighbors are not?"

Need to be in a WAGON TRAIN with people who are "like minded".

Children need children, women need women, and men need men.

-- David (, September 28, 1999.


The World Army isn't going to give you the opportunity to express your humanitarian concerns about the consequences of their activities. Do you know what happened to people who rebelled against the Nazis? Do you think Hitler cared that people blamed him for the deaths of millions?

-- @ (@@@.@), September 28, 1999.


Uhhh... I've said lots of incredibly brilliant things, and asked lots of incredibly penetrating questions ... but did I really ask THAT question about the preparedness of one's neighbors? I agree that it's an important thing to worry about, but I think the credit deserves to go somewhere else. Maybe Al Gore :) ?


-- Ed Yourdon (, September 28, 1999.


..Do you know what happened to people who rebelled against the Nazis?

As a matter of fact I do. In the Warsaw getto a handful of Jews with only a few guns (that they had to figure out how to use) kept the German army at bay for weeks. Only when the Nazis filled the sewers with gasoline and burned the entire city to the ground did they succumb.

You better believe the NWO or whoever care about what 80 million Americans, who collectively own some 250 million guns, have to say.

Do you think Hitler cared that people blamed him for the deaths of millions?

No but he was a psychopath, and if you recall, he lost the war....


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), September 28, 1999.


You don't get it, the way the NWO works. They are not going to make the same mistakes they made with Hitler again, that's why they are going to take the entire world. They are gradually expanding their forces under the guise of "peacekeeping", and before you know it they'll be everywhere, even in the U.S. In fact Y2K provides them with an excellent opportunity to make tremendous advances and take occupation of a lot more areas. When these forces reach a certain threshold of power and jurisdiction over the globe they will all be under the authority of NATO, which is really just another name for the World Army of the NWO. There may still be a few countries that resist but NATO will have the bulk of the world's military muscle and they will simply move in and take over, just like they did in Bosnia and Kosovo. You've undoubtedly heard the recent announcements that they will no longer give any legitimacy to the sovereignty of any country when they see fit to move in. That's because they are now very near that threshold where no other military power on the planet will be able to defeat them. They are getting to make a lot more moves real soon.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 28, 1999.


What you don't seem to get is that any attempt to impose a global govt. on US citizens will fail miserably. They might try it, but they won't succeed. You cannot subjugate a well armed populace. Period. And if you try to ban guns in this country the result will be the same; outright failure.

People may be asleep at the wheel but they ain't dumb and they ain't dead. There is already a tremendous amount of distrust for TPTB even amongst those who are generally apolitical. I've said it before and I'll say it again; people might turn their heads away when they smell sh*t, but you better believe they won't when you shove it in their face.

Back to the original topic; I *am* concerned about the militarization of our police forces, but I don't think NWO has anything to do with it. It's greed fueled by the war on drugs that's driving this, not some attempt to impose a world government.


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), September 28, 1999.


I'm sorry but the image that comes to mind when I try to imagine what you are saying is downright comical. I can just picture a bunch of rednecks out on their front lawns with their 22 rifles trying to pick off F-18's with laser guided missiles and B-52's as they carpet-bomb their towns! In case you haven't noticed the military posesses a slightly larger arsenal than your average American. Although the NWO at this point in time is probably not anticipating much resistance from Americans, they do not consider this country "too great" to blow the crap out of it if necessary to achieve their goal. NATO will not hesistate to turn its forces against any of its own member nations if a significant resistance arises. Any smaller insurrections will be dealt with in a fashion similar to WACO. When they control the media they control the propaganda and we have no hope of finding out the truth about these incidents (How long has it been since JFK was killed and we still don't know). Between the crying mothers of recently murdered high school children, and the recent gun bans (which contrary to what you may think ARE happening right now) the citizens of the U.S. would not be able to resist if they wanted to. Besides, as far as most of the sheeple are concerned the "New World Order" is a good thing that George Bush told them about, and it is going to make the world one big happy place.

Ok, as you said, you want to get back to the original question. Well, it may not be so obvious to you now but over time if you keep your eyes open I think you'll see that these seemingly harmless changes happening within law enforcement and almost all aspects of our lives are all related in that they are all moving us toward the ultimate fulfillment of the NWO goal of global domination and control. The NWO makes mistakes along the way, but there are a few things I see that they have consistently done for over a century: 1. they always learn from their mistakes 2. they never stop trying 3. they never lose sight of their ultimate goal

The NWO.. coming soon to a planet near you

Resistance is futile

-- @ (@@@.@), September 28, 1999.

I agree that it's an important thing to worry about, but I think the credit deserves to go somewhere else. Maybe Al Gore :)



-- Ann Y Body (annybody@no.where.disorg), September 28, 1999.

TECH32: I've said it before and I'll say it again; people might turn their heads away when they smell sh*t, but you better believe they won't when you shove it in their face.

I love it! I'll be using that one, don't know where, but I'll be using it!

-- Y2KGardener (, September 28, 1999.

Original question:

My vote goes towards MOST of the smaller stuff getting 'disbursed' or kept in storage for sale at a later date. You betcha every officer has ten complete sets of BDU's at home now. Why? Why not? They were free and look cool. The kids eat them up too. Chances are the clothes are too rough for everday police use but in emergency sitautions when officers know they will be getting dirty, or training, or whatever, then they would be useful. Also good as givaways when you get that family burned out of their home, pick up the runaway with no clothes to their name, etc.

Now, humvee's and such. They would make great rescue vehicles but are likely going to be sold, or the 'captain' gets to drive it around.

-- Art Welling (, September 28, 1999.

Sorry @ (@@@.@),

But I think you're giving too little credit to about half (maybe more) of the men/women in blue. Many of them DO protect and serve their communities, will continue to do so, and would be the first responders to those of their own kind who DO go... "out on a limb."

Could get dicey. Or not.


(Love the Al Gore quip, Ed! Mr... "Know Nothing, See Nothing, Do Nothing..." for Y2K).

-- Diane J. Squire (, September 28, 1999.

There was an "expose" on 60 Minutes or one of those news shows about 4 or 5 years ago about the police in small towns getting that free stuff just because they could. It was long before Y2K became a public issue. With the "downsizing" of the military there is a lot lot more surplus.

It is nothing new.

-- Cherri (, September 28, 1999.

The NWO is doomed! And to quote myself again..."We win!"

The dictator wanna be's just can't seem to factor in the "SPIRIT OF LIBERTY." It doesn't make sense to them and they will never be able to comprehend it.

We will be free!

-- Mark Hillyard (, September 28, 1999.

BTW, excuse me, but... we have a bit of a game-player here...

I am new to this forum, and maybe this has been addressed before...

Len ( = Grill Sergeant (USAFRET@takinit.easy) et. al. from...

Y2K, martial law and the feminist equation 001Qpb

And... Grill Sergeant (USAFRET@takinit.easy) = John Waynski ( = Sir Laughsalot ( = Joseph ( = Doctor Love ( = Mel (Mel@Gibson.hollywood) = Jennifer Townsend (


DO you work for the United States Government at one of the Defense Reutilization Marketing Offices (DRMO) or are you just claiming you do?


-- Diane J. Squire (, September 28, 1999.

Looks like he's been buying up some of those Army surplus personalities...

-- Y2KGardener (, September 28, 1999.

Big county in the desert SW. Recently, sheriff's dept equipped all vehicles w/bullet-proof glass, obtained vests for dogs, and were "given" AK's for officers to have in vehicles from US government. Heard over radio news in the last month.

-- connie bray (, September 28, 1999.

A while back...maybe last Fall, there was a thread wherein it was reported that local law enforcement had received free surplus M16's from the military. Full auto/three shot burst, not the garden variety semi-auto AR-15's. It is not surplus mil clothing that concerns me so much, but why on Earth does law enforcement need full auto capable weapons?

-- Jeff (jeff@concerned.thesedays), September 28, 1999.


I'm sorry but the image that comes to mind when I try to imagine what you are saying is downright comical. I can just picture a bunch of rednecks out on their front lawns with their 22 rifles trying to pick off F-18's with laser guided missiles and B-52's as they carpet-bomb their towns! In case you haven't noticed the military posesses a slightly larger arsenal than your average American.

Yeah, I've heard that argument before and it doesn't hold water. Why oh why didn't we send in ground troops into Bosnia? Because when you put men on the ground in front of other men who are trying to shoot them, men from the first group will get SHOT. You have to put men on the ground to occupy a place. 250 million guns means a hell of a lot of bullets to dodge. As to a larger arsenal, yeah, I could just see American F-18s strafing the Upper West Side of Manhattan...NOT! Who's being comical now?

There might be 1.5 million people currently in our Armed forces, but there is at least 10 times that number who are former military and still posess firearms. Even (gasp!) the illegal fully automatic kind. They didn't forget how to fight wars. They didn't forget how to blow up bridges or snipe officers. And they didn't forget about Liberty.

The NWO.. coming soon to a planet near you

Oh. I see, now the NWO is an interplanetary force. Perhaps Darth Vader is backing them up, no?


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), September 28, 1999.

correction -- sorry, sheriff's dept M-16's not AK's. 12 yo son corrected me and also had a comment about his mom's intelligence.

Civil unrest -- pretty much seems to have already begun in this area. Past few months has seen open hunting season on law enforcement officers. Sunday evening, two cars driving and shooting it out along the way, scary part is that's become our normal weekend news.

-- connie bray (, September 28, 1999.


You misunderstand what I am saying and the way the NWO works. I am not saying that our soldiers and law enforcement officers are not loyal and patriotic - most of them are. The NWO is a pyramid. Those at the top dictate the gradual changes in policy which is carried out by politicians and other "leaders", which in turn are carried out by the management at the lower-level organizations. The NWO does not just come out and say "we are going to take over the globe and all of you cops will help us or we'll kill you". They make GRADUAL changes within our society, which in the long run will allow them to achieve their goals. Ban certain types of guns now, a few years later ban a few more. Try to spy on personal bank accounts now, people resist, try again a few years later. It is a tug of war for our freedoms, and little by little they are winning. Show me any American (dead or alive) who says that they have more freedoms and rights now than they did 20 years ago, and I'll show you a liar.

My point is that this progression is very subtle and has been going on for over 100 years. It reminds me of the Terminator movie when the good guy explains to Sarah Connor, "it will keep coming, and coming, and it WILL NOT STOP until you are dead!". Well, the NWO does not need to kill us (unless we resist) but they WILL NOT STOP until they have global control. Little by little, these NATO peacekeepers will become more and more popular around the globe. They will be supported by U.S. military and National Guard and Law Enforcement until all of these groups become happy working with each other. And the goal that the politicians are told to sell us is that it is all in the name of "World Peace", and it will be understood by all of the people that this is why all of the peacekeepers are here, and that we have nothing to fear. So it isn't like any of our own soldiers or cops will be turning their backs on us, they will believe that they are enforcing the right laws for the right reasons.


"coming soon to a planet near you"? It's a joke, merely to emphasize the goal of global domination. If you're trying to destroy my credibility it won't work, because I don't believe we are being invaded by aliens, and I'm not even going to go there.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 28, 1999.

Maybe part of the answer is that the police are so underfunded that military cast offs are a way for them to catch up with the "bad guys" in fire power. For the most part, police are undermanned and underpowered. Bomb squads and SWAT teams wear BDUs a lot. Military surplus saves you - the tax payer- money. Police gear is priced like anything else the gov buys - outrageously. I don't know about some of the vehicles mentioned, but I do nknow that military surplus helicopters (Hueys - 58's etc.) are "given" to police agencies for drug related operations and surviellence and for search and rescue operations etc. Mind you they come stripped down of their avionics etc. but with minimal investment are good, well maintained aircraft that simply recycles to another agency, that which you the tax payer has already paid for. And by the way, they are not new aircraft - those go to regular Army, Navy, CG etc. When they are done with them, they are passed on like big brothers clothes to the Nat'l Guard and Reserves. The helicopters my husband's air unit got from the National Guard were '68 to early '70's built aircraft - Viet Nam era - so in a way you the taxpayer are really getting your money's worth out of them. There is some good lurking out there amongst the malfeasance and waste and it is not all back door planning for a big catastrophe like Y2K. This program has been in effect at least since the late '80's that I know of.

-- Valkyrie (anon@please.xnet), September 28, 1999.


How do you feel about "civil seizure?"


-- Liberty (, September 28, 1999.

Cherrie...that 60 Minutes show was MY county and sheriff. We got Humvees, the equivalent of 14 helicoptors, tents, guns and God knows what else. The Sheriff traded copter parts to get $600,000 worth of work done on a couple of choppers. We then had a MedVac chopper for our use plus another Sheriff's chopper. This was the hard nose Sheriff that we all thought so much of because of his toughness. No coffee, no TV, no smoking, etc in the jail. When they got out of our jail they left the area. Just one little problem, at the first of the year our beloved hard nose crime stopping/stomping sheriff was found to have embezzled $178,000 from the county sheriff's dept. He was replace with another man who is a lawyer with no law enforcement experience. Its been down hill ever since and the choppers were sold, the jail is now a nice place to spend the winter once again. Anyway, he did get a lot of stuff free. He also got tons of paper, pencils, pens and all kinds of supplies for the county offices and schools. Even tho he himself was a crook, I would rather have him for sheriff than what we have.


-- Taz (, September 28, 1999.

Tech 32,

I have to weigh in with @ on this one. There is an international, multigenerational effort to take over the world, Pinky&TheBrain-style. It manipulates the police, just as it manipulates the members of various fraternal organizations, academics, military personnel, etc.. It's very sophisticated. To understand how it works, you must humble yourself and admit that you've based your life on the lies they've seeded your culture with. That barrier - your pride - is something they count on to shield them. Beyond it lies the truth.


-- Liberty (, September 28, 1999.

Whew! Well said, Liberty. Yeah, it almost more along the lines of the movie "Matrix" than any kind of direct confrontation.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 28, 1999.


I have to weigh in with @ on this one. There is an international, multigenerational effort to take over the world, Pinky&TheBrain-style. It manipulates the police, just as it manipulates the members of various fraternal organizations, academics, military personnel, etc.. It's very sophisticated. To understand how it works, you must humble yourself and admit that you've based your life on the lies they've seeded your culture with. That barrier - your pride - is something they count on to shield them. Beyond it lies the truth.

Ok, let's say that's all true (I don't believe it but for the sake of argument let's say it is). So what? There have always been wealthy people with their own agendas. And by no means do they always succeed. They can try to ban guns all they want but people won't turn them in. Has there been a rush of folks in CA lining up to turn in their SKS rifles? No. People are smarter than that. They'll bury them before they turn them in.

Multigenerational or not. International or not. As long as Americans own guns no one can force *ANYTHING* down our throats for very long. The drug war has been an abysmal failure but so was Prohibition. Eventually, people stood up and said "this is crazy". I think they'll be doing that again pretty soon.


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), September 28, 1999.

Okay Diane, You have unmasked me, but only partially. When writing a fiction novel, there are many elements of truth involved. The writer also creates various characters and can sometimes breathe life into their characters by giving them a name, and also by giving the character certain personality traits.

No, I do not work at a DRMO. I am not a government employee. Does that change any of the information presented? No.

I have posted my final and last response upstairs some 43 discussion forums above in the "dogs" truth post.

I apologize to any and all who took my words to heart. Especially those that were offended, or those that were "scared sh*tless!" It was all meant in fun. I truly believe if Ed Yourdon can write books, then so can I. I will just write on a different subject matter, be more fictitious, while being believable.

No offense to Mr. Yourdon and this post, but many of you take yourselves way too seriously. I really am writing a fiction novel. I was just "testing the waters" on this forum to see if what I could write made interesting reading. Your "hits" on my various discussion forums massaged my ego tremendously. Thanks to all who gave me a "warm fuzzy" in this regard.

If you want to blame someone for your being duped, then blame Anthony Robbins. It was reading his books that gave me the courage to attempt what I knew I could accomplish all along. There are so many of you out there reading this right now that are capable of tremendous greatness, but you will acheive very little material successes in life because of your own self doubts. Live your dream and stop listening to the NAY-SAYERS. They will hold you back everytime, including many of the Y2K sheeple that use this forum as their daily watering hole.

-- Len (, September 28, 1999.

Well, be that as it may, check this out:

-- J (, September 30, 1999.

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