Maintaining leather Minox cases : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

I have recently acquired several Minox items that came with the leather cases (Minox B, BC flashgun, and a tripod). Any suggestions or success stories on keeping the leather in good shape?


-- Padraig Connelly (, October 02, 1999


I have had good results on cases for a IIIs and a B with a liberal application of Red Wing Boot Oil. It is the consistency of thin grease. Apply to the outside with the brush in the bottle, let set two days then rub with a clean cloth. It also works very well on your leather boots (or shoes) protecting them from water but not waterproofing which seals them up.

Ken Trettin

-- Ken Trettin (, October 02, 1999.

I use Kiwi shoe shine to polish my Minox cases with good result. My Minox case came with strap loose; for which I used crazy glue to glue it back in place.

-- Fred Mason (, October 03, 1999.

Ditto on the Red Wind boot oil. A soft cream shoe polish will also help the color.

I've had a Minox B since 1971, and the case hinge started to wear. Any repair would be noticable. I solved the problem by finding a nylon pocket knife case that has a belt loop, velcro closure, and a snug, padded fit to protect the camera. The original case stays at home. I really don't use the measuring chain anyway. You can find a similar case at a knife and cutlery specialty store for about $10.

-- Jeff Polaski (, October 06, 1999.

I am having leather cases made to origional specifications to fit Minox 11, 111, B and BL. They can be made in Brown or Black Colour with leather button fob or chrome key ring. If interested, please let me know.

-- Howard Eisemann (, October 18, 2000.

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