moving on : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi friends. Moving on in life, I have given Thorndale to vp's Megiano. Hope you continue to enjoy it. Wishing you all happiness and peace in life, real and virtual (smile). ~Me

-- tigerlily (Medea) (, October 04, 1999


I hope that doesn't mean that we aren't going to see you in Exile anymore! Dang...

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, October 04, 1999.

Hi Hon, You'll be missed, that's for sure. I wish you all the best in whatever future steps you take. HUG (goal__)

-- Jasmine B (, October 15, 1999.

You will be missed, Medea! Hope we at least see you post once in a while here. :-) Hugs wherever you are going.

-- Editrix (, October 16, 1999.

.....a sad thing, Medea came here to Exile with me. No more it seems. Miss you......

-- Gmackly (, November 03, 1999.

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