What is the best way to copy a VCD which I have already created?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I use M.Pack and Adaptec Toast on Macintosh to create VCD's. Does anyone know of an easy way to duplicate VCD's which I have already create

-- Todd Manning (deejay@cyberhighway.net), October 05, 1999


Use Astarte CD-Copy. Select all of your tracks and the Save As Image menu item will un-gray. Use Adaptec Toast to burn the image back onto a fresh CD.

-- Jim B (jimbo987@my-deja.com), October 05, 1999.

I downloaded the *.dat file into the HD and with IFilm Edit, opened it and made an mpg file which is Video Ready. Then I burned it into a disc using WinOn CD 3.0.

-- Philip Bautista (philipmb@sanmiguel.com.ph), November 12, 1999.

My friend go for clone CD the best way to copy raw cd's just like they are cheers

-- paco Ojeda (paco_ojeda@hotmail.com), January 11, 2001.

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