Australian B&W landscape site : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread

Hi all,

My site ( featuring large format B&W images of the Australian landscape as well as colour travel and nature has just been revamped, there are,

new images new articles free screen backgrounds and a new layout

I hope you find it worth the trip and of course all comments are welcome.

Regards Rob

-- Rob Gray (, October 05, 1999


There's some quite nice photos there.

I thought that some of the essays were also apealing. I, too, ascribe to "leave no footprints." Now I know what you Aussies call hiking: bushwalking! Is getting lost in the bush called an impromptu walkabout, then? :-)

-- Brian C. Miller (, October 07, 1999.

Thanks for your comments Brian.

>Is getting lost in the bush called an >impromptu walkabout, then? :-)

Nope, getting lost is called "getting bushed" or sometimes "geographically embarrassed" :)


-- Rob Gray (, October 09, 1999.

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