personnel resource book : LUSENET : Heifer Project International - ASP : One Thread

Dear Rebecca and JD,

here are my additional notes/comments and recommendations on HR resource book. for your further comments/reaction.

--------------------- EMPLOYEE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Section 600 Subsection 0.0 Professional Fees and Subscriptions

Policy Statement: HPI promotes effectivity, efficiency and productivity in the work, thus will support any or all professional development activities of its employees. General Guidelines:

1. HPI may pay annual membership fees to professional organizations and associations in which employees participate with the prior approval of the Country Director. These memberships must have a direct relation to the job position and profession of the employee.

2. When appropriated in the country office budget, subscriptions to professional publications and technical magazines will also be allowed. Purchase of books and other relevant technical materials will be made to provide employees ready reference materials in the work area.

3. The publications, books and technical materials will be maintained in a central/ technical library of each country office, accessible to employees at any time.

4. The Country Director shall ensure that cost of subscription and books shall be included in the yearly budgeting process. However, this benefit may be limited or cut due to budgetary constraints in any given year.

Section 600 Subsection 1.0 Performance Evaluation

Policy Statement:

General Guidelines: The performance evaluations are designed to be formal communication between the employee and his/her supervisor for the purpose of documenting the employee's job performance and goals and priorities for the coming year, as well as strengthening the working relationship of employee/supervisor.

1. Evaluations will be conducted at least annually in conjunction with the employees date of hire in their current position or at the end of given fiscal/calendar year.

2. Performance will be evaluated based on the quality of work, progress toward stated goals, professional growth of the employee in the position, and demonstration of commitment to teamwork, excellence, and caring for other staff members. Performance evaluations will be measured against the position description, written goals, and the previous performance evaluation. The evaluation will be in writing, and the employee will be provided copy of the evaluation with Directors comments.

3. Should employee fall short of the expected standard of performance, the supervisor/director will indicate that the employee performance is less than satisfactory and recommends a specified re-evaluation period (such as 90 days). The supervisor/director must state in writing that the employee is placed on this status.

4. If on re-evaluation period, the employee unsuccessfully satisfied the performance standard, the employee may be terminated. The employee will receive a copy of the re-evaluation notice as well as the termination letter.

5. Copies of employees performance evaluations shall be submitted to the Area Program Director, and copies shall also be filed with the country director.

6. If an employee believes he/she has not received a fair evaluation, he/she may file a grievance as outlined in this handbook in the section on Grievance Process.

TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Section 700 Subsection 0.0 Reduction In Force (RIF)

Policy Statement:

General Guidelines:

1. The Area Program Director and Country Director may abolish one or more positions in country office due to reasons as: discontinuance of a program; changes in organization or position requirements; lack of supporting funds; or any other business or financial reason that justifies discontinuation of the position in the opinion of the Area Program Director and Country Director.

2. The employee occupying position/s abolished will be properly notified (in writing) of discontinuance 30 days prior to effectivity of reduction in force. They may be paid separation gratuity or related compensatory benefits as may be allowed within/by the policies of country office/s affected.

Section 700 Subsection 1.0 Resignation

General Guidelines: 1. A voluntary termination may be made freely by the employee for any reason he/she chooses. Local laws and HPI direct the employees rights and compensation.

2. Employee shall give 30 days notification to country director prior to effectivity of separation from HPI employment.

Section 700 Subsection 2.0 Disciplinary Actions and/or Dismissal due to Misconduct

General Guidelines:

1. The provisions outlined in this section do not in any way limit the right of HPI to discipline or discharge an employee for any reason deemed appropriate. HPI also reserves the right to conduct an investigation of any instances of misconduct.

Section 700 Subsection 2.1 Immediate Dismissal - Will these provisions cover all staff inclusive of directors. Regarding possession of fire arms, will it be a violation if one carries arms during performance of field visits just for protection especially in conflict or war-torn areas? Will safekeeping of firearms in office also be considered a violation? Seeing fire arms is already threatening, but we must be very clear in our policy statement and guidelines because there may be circumstances (???) that warrants carrying of arms. Please for further discussion. (NOTE: THESE ARE MERELY SUGGESTIONS)

Grounds for Immediate Dismissal:

The following offenses are examples of conduct that may result in immediate discharge from duty/work where deemed appropriate and lawful. Discipline, where indicated, does not preclude civil or criminal prosecution in compliance with applicable local or national law.

 Insubordination or refusal to follow and/or abide by orders or instructions of supervisors or management

 Stealing, embezzling, misusing, or misappropriating the property of HPI, its donors, volunteers, project holders, or employees

 The intentional, willful, or deliberate damaging, vandalism, waste of, or the unauthorized possession or use of HPIs property, tools, vehicles, equipment, supplies, or materials, or the property of its donors, project holders, or employees

 Any assault, threat, abusive language, harassment, fighting, intimidation, reckless, or disorderly conduct that may result in injury, or conduct or words that place employees, guests, donors, or project holders in fear of harm or damage

 Gambling or solicitation of an illegal act on or in HPI's property or during working hours, or on an HPI assignment

 The unauthorized or illegal consumption, use, possession, sale, transportation, purchase, delivery, solicitation for, acceptance or distribution of alcoholic beverages, drugs, narcotics, or intoxicants on or in HPI equipment or property, during working hours, or on work assignment, or failure to maintain or comply with all rehabilitation requirements

 Use or possession of firearms, explosives, or weapons of any type on or in HPIs property, during an employee's working hours, or in performance of any duty

 The improper, unauthorized or non-protected disclosure, possession, or distribution of confidential, personnel, proprietary, privileged, financial, or business information of HPI, its employees, donors, project holders, or volunteers

 Falsification, misrepresentation, alteration, or omission, of any HPI or state or federal records, including applications, personnel information, time sheets, etc.

 Any misconduct and/or conviction for a crime occurring away from the place of the employee's work or duties where the non-protected behavior adversely affects HP/TH's reputation, equipment, or services, where the behavior renders the employee unable to perform duties or appear at work, or where such activities adversely affect an employee's ability to work harmoniously with co-workers

 Disparagement of or disloyalty to HPI

 Conviction of or a plea upon any charge that results in loss or suspension of driving privileges, where the use of a driver's license is or may be required, or where insurance coverage or rates are affected

 Conviction of any felony or of a misdemeanor

 The failure or refusal to cooperate in, take, submit to, or perform an intoxication or drug test, as requested by management

 Harassment, including sexual, racial, or other discriminating harassment of other employees

Section 700 Subsection 2.2 Warning and/or Re-evaluation - I have problems with the phrase  if/ when circumstances require. I still believe each employee has rights and everyone must be given a day in court. We must define the circumstances, just like above where grounds for dismissals are enumerated. Otherwise if we wont, it will leave opportunity for abuse of position/authority by disciplining authority. For me judgment is sometimes based on narrow points of view or stained by selfish motives.

(NOTE: These are merely suggestions)

General Guidelines: 1. Less serious offenses will normally cause an employee to receive a verbal or written warning or notice. But where deemed appropriate, it may also cause the employee to be subject to evaluation, counseling, transfer, suspension without pay or benefits, or other discipline, including discharge.

2. A verbal or written warning is not required before an employee may be disciplined or discharged for any reason. HPI reserves the right to bypass any step in the disciplinary procedure when circumstances require. The following are examples of offenses which may result in a warning and/or evaluation:

 Excessive tardiness or absence from work

 Failure to report to management an accident or injury immediately after such accident or injury occurs

 Non-protected conduct that creates conditions that interfere with the orderly performance of any employee's work

 Showing discourtesy or rudeness to HPI management, employees, volunteers, guests, or public

 Falsification of allegations directed against another employee

 Solicitation of gratuities from donors

Section 700 Subsection 3.0 Termination Notice

General Guidelines;

1. All employees terminated by HPI will receive a termination notice in writing from the Country Director. The termination notice will include information as to reason for termination, any benefits to be paid to the employee and final date of employment with HPI.

2. As appropriate, notice/s must be served in person by the country director. He/She shall explain content of notice to avoid any unnecessary/untoward incidences.

Section 700 Subsection 4.0 Eligibility for Severance Payment, Accrued Annual Leave, and/or Medical Coverage  some of the provisions below are not adopted by the Philippine office like payment of accrued leave, overtime pay and medical coverage. Employee could only file for terminal leave to get the monetary value of accrued leave. If we will adopt this, should we be paying for all accrued leave credits to include sick, vacation, personal/ emergencycompassionate leave? What is the maximum accrued leave credit days should we be paying? For discussion.

General Guidelines:

1. Employees who are involved in a Reduction In Force (RIF) will be eligible for severance payments. [These payments will be the equivalent of one week of salary (gross) for every calendar year employed with HPI, to the maximum of 12 weeks of salary. (If an employee works more than six (6) months in the calendar year at the time of the RIF, he/she will be paid a full one week of salary). All payments of severance will be subject to federal and state tax deductions.]

In country office/s where there is existing severance pay fund for all employees, employee could collect the total voluntary contributions made by the office inclusive of interest earnings.

2. All terminated or resigned employees will be paid for any accrued annual leave up to the date of their termination. Non-exempt employees under a RIF will also be entitled to payment of accrued overtime pay at the rate of one-and-a-half times their regular pay.

3. In addition to the above payments, employees (and covered dependents) under the RIF will receive paid medical coverage for three full months following the date of the RIF under the current payment provisions for employees. At the end of the three-month period, HPI will offer these employees the opportunity to remain in the Group Health Plan under COBRA provisions.

Section 700 Subsection 5.0 Exit Interview

General Guidelines:

1. Employees will be requested to participate in an exit interview with their supervisor and/or the Country Director on the final date of employment with HPI. The purpose of the exit interview may be varied: for gathering information which will assist HPI in management; to explain severance payment and any other benefit payments; to apprise the terminated employee of status of benefit plans; and to receive authorization from the employee for HP/TH to give references for future employment.

2. The employee at this time must turn in all properties of HPI (keys, credit cards, security card, etc.), retrieve all personal papers, properties, any personal data from computers, and turn in the HPI personnel policy.

Section 700 Subsection 6.0 Termination Appeal

General Guidelines: Employees who have been discharged by HPI have ten (10) working days to file, in writing, an appeal of their termination. The written appeal is sent to the Area Program Director. The letter of appeal must include the following information:

1. Specific reasons for the appeal.

2. Description of what specific remedy is requested.

The Area Program Director has five (5) working days to respond, in writing, to the appellant.

Section 700 Subsection 7.0 Grievance Process TO BE DESIGNED BY THE LOCAL COUNTRY PROGRAM.

General Guidelines:

1. Grievance must be addressed as soon as it arises at the [lowest] team level. Only when such grievance cannot be resolved can the staff elevate it to the country director. Employee grievance should be referred in writing directly to the country director.

2. Action shall be taken within seven days upon receipt of written complaint or grievance.

3. Where solution or settlement is not reached, the country director must form a temporary committee to review and assess the case at hand. After deliberation/consultations, the committee shall submit recommendation to the country director.

4. Where the country director is the subject of grievance, employee concerned shall submit written complaint to him, and the country director must attempt to settle and discuss the issue with concerned as soon as possible.

5. Area Program Director must be [fully] aware of employee grievances in the country office/s, and may intervene at any point for amicable resolution of grievances.

Section 700 Subsection 8.0 Grievance Appeal Procedures TO BE DESIGNED BY THE LOCAL COUNTRY PROGRAM.

General Guideline: Employee may direct his appeal to the country director or area program director for decision/resolutions on his grievance which he/she deemed is bias against his person.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY Section 800 Subsection 0.0

General Guidelines:

It is against the policies of HPI for any employee, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, to sexually harass another employee by a) making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, a condition of an employee's continued employment; or b) making submission to or rejections of such conduct the basis for employment decisions affecting the employee; or c) creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment by such conduct.

At HPI, sexual harassment is defined as: (NOTE: THESE ARE MERELY SUGGESTIONS)

 Unwelcome or unwanted sexual advances including fondling, touching, patting, pinching, or any other similar physical contact considered unacceptable by a reasonable individual

 Requests or demands for sexual favors, whether subtle or blatant, or whether in the form of a pressure or request for any type of sexual favor accompanied by an implied or stated promise of preferential treatment or negative consequence concerning another's employment status

 Statements or conduct considered unacceptable by a reasonable individual, including comments about bodily appearance where such comments go beyond mere courtesy; "dirty jokes;" or any other tasteless, sexually oriented comments, innuendoes, or actions that offend others

 Engaging in any type of sexually oriented conduct that would unreasonably interfere with another's work performance

1. Normal, courteous, mutually respectful, pleasant, noncoercive interactions between men and women that are acceptable to both parties are not considered to be sexual harassment.

Any employee who believes he/she has been the subject of sexual harassment should promptly report the alleged act immediately to his/her immediate supervisor or (if the supervisor is alleged to have committed the act) to the Country Director or to the Area Program Director, if appropriate. The Country Director, in consultation with the Area Program Director will undertake an investigation of all complaints as soon as possible but within five (5) working days. After appropriate investigation, any employee who has been found by HPI to have sexually harassed another employee will be subject to appropriate sanctions, depending upon the circumstances, from a warning in his/her personnel file up to and including termination of employment.

2. HPI recognizes also that false accusations of sexual harassment can have serious effects on innocent women and men, and where established, such falsification will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

3. HPI encourages any employee to raise questions he/she may have regarding this policy with the Country Director or the Area Program Director.

EMERGENCY OFFICE CLOSING Section 900 Subsection 0.0

General Guidelines:

1. In the event of dangerous weather conditions or civil unrest or disturbances, the Country Director has the discretion to close the office to ensure the safety of employees. The Country Director must notify the Area Program Director.

2. Employees will be excused from work when their location is officially closed (whether all day or during portions of a day).

NO SMOKING POLICY Section 1000 Subsection 0.0

General Guideline: HPI declares all it facilities and work areas as no-smoking area.

CONFIDENTIALITY Section 1100 Subsection 0.0

General Guideline:

To reveal proprietary, confidential, financial, personnel, or personal information to anyone about HPI, donors, volunteers, employees, or project holders, without specific authorization is a violation of trust and confidence and ground for disciplinary action. Any question or request for confidential information should be referred to the Country Director, Area Program Director, or other appropriate authority.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST Section 1200 Subsection 0.0

General Guideline: No officer, member of the Board of Directors, or staff member shall be a party at interest or receive any financial emolument or benefit from any contracts, agreements, or undertakings in which he/she has participated as a representative of Country Program, Heifer Project International or Heifer International Foundation. Parties at interest shall not be present during the Board of Director's review (including its vote) on the decision in question. Board members and staff shall disclose annually any direct or indirect benefits being received or to be received as a result of any contract, agreement, or undertaking between Country Program, Heifer Project International or Heifer International Foundation and any outside organization ---------------

that partially completes my review/task assigned. what i left is the notes/recommendations on the administrative policies, and finalization. I don't know if I could [still] possibly send you my notes, but I will try. all the best!


-- Anonymous, October 09, 1999

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