Help with Info for Website for Newbies : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

You regulars know that my church was slow to get going because a polly was heading the non-existent Y2K Committee, until I raised a ruckus. When his and my reports went to the Vestry, a really great guy who is retired VIP military and a real action person who gets things done, took over the portion to prep the church. We have come very far in a short time...will provide meals for 200 persons for 1 week, getting a generator, etc. Now this man is starting a belated website for our church and has asked me to link in all the info they will need to prepare!

I NEED YOUR HELP to choose the best, the links, the old threads, that will be the most help in the least time, with only 74 days left until rollover. Please give me your input ASAP so that I will be ready to roll by Wednesday evening, when the real committee meets. Thank you all in advance.

-- Elaine Seavey (, October 18, 1999



Try the TBY2K category Y2K For Newcomers (New) and-a-one-category.tcl?topic=TimeBomb%202000%20%28Y2000%29&category= Y2K%20For%20Newcomers%20%28New%29

As always, refer them to Stan Farynas...

14 DAYS OF PREPS: Getting started on your Y2K Preparations 001Q6l

Another useful thread...

LINKS REQUESTS: Which Are Your Favorite Y2K Preparation Checklists? (For The New GI) 000shh

Or send them to the...

TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum (Y2K Prep Only Discussions)

http:// TimeBomb%202000%20%28Y2000%29%20Preparation%20Forum

Or to Brians Year 2000 Preparation Arcihve... q-and-a.tcl?topic=Year%202000%20Preparation%20Archive

-- Diane J. Squire (, October 18, 1999.

Elaine, what are your church's contingency plans if disruptions go beyond 1 week? Are the supplies for church members only, or are they for anyone that comes to the church for food? What if more than 200 people show up, will they be turned away? Does your church have volunteers in line to help? I am wondering about the logisitics of how your church is going to manage it all. Thanks.

-- Rasty (, October 18, 1999.

Thanks so much, Diane. Rasty, the logistics, due to the late wake-up, are not fully polished yet. However, we have a large congregation with at least that many parishioners who are needy in good times. The food will be provided to them, as the need arises. It will be located in specified homes by location, unless that plan changed since I last heard. The generator is to provide a warming center for anyone who comes seeking shelter. This church cannot go beyond a week's supply at this late date. At least our church is doing as much as it can, which is more than many DGI parishes.

-- Elaine Seavey (, October 18, 1999.

Elaine, you are going to want real facts to give to any y2k committee. here are several sites for you to compile from (NOT fear or vendor motivated!) mag/y2k/ - the BEST Christian site for y2k info!

-- not telling (just@some.body), October 18, 1999.

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