Got any ideas about caring for tropical fish? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

A few months ago on some website there was a blurb about a book that had info. about caring for pets, including fish in aquariums. But I didn't have the bucks for it.  I am thinking that if I put them in a container near the woodstove, that would keep them warm. Or keep exchanging the cooling water in their tank with water warmed on the woodstove.  But what about aereation? Without it, the water turns icky in just a day or two. Maybe some way to hook up a bicycle pump or something to their airlines and run some air through every once in a while? Got ideas?

-- Shivani Arjuna (, October 23, 1999


Eat them

-- (mmm@mmm.good), October 23, 1999.

The water will stay nicer longer if you don't feed them so much. Remember that as it gets colder they will need less food. Consider giving away some of the less desirable fish so your tank will not be so overcrowded. We have a goldfish pond in our yard and we don't feed at all for four months every year.

-- Homeschooling Grandma (, October 24, 1999.

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