Consumer Alert: Kodak lies about its newest camera : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

You might have heard about kodak's DC290 camera, claiming to be a 3.2 megapixel camera. So did Kodak come out with a 3 megapix camera before everyone else? Nope... The shocking truth: It's a 2.1 megapixel camera. It uses interpolation to bump up the image size, like epson's "hypict" interpolator. Epson wasn't sleezy enough to claim more pixels on the CCD as a result, but now Kodak is.

Kodak marketing reaches new low in violating the industry norms for how pixel count is calculated. :)

-- benoit (, October 24, 1999


Well, I guess I have not read all the hype, so I must not have seen this great "lie" I did however, see the most recent report on the '290 in Imaging Resources' News section. There was no mention there of a 3MP CCD. Well, I thought, maybe they just clairified it. So I went to the Yaho o report link, and I did not see anything about a hyped 3 mega pixel CCD, but a 2.1mega pixel CCD. From there I went to the Kodak webpage, and then to the spec sheet for the 290. There too, they specify that it is a 2.1mega pixel(1901x1212) CCD

The only thing I can think is that there was a typo error where you saw the advertisement.

-- David Erskine (, October 24, 1999.

I think this slam about the 3.1 mega. promo is overdone a bit. The ads that I saw all mentioned the 3.1 feature as being digitally expanded, i.e. the truth. If you want to slam the camera, there are fairer shots that one can take. On the other hand, the ir review that mentions the excellent color reproduction seems right on.

-- dave guo (, January 03, 2000.

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