Any reports from this weekends PTOC events at Burr Oaks or Lake Jacomo? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Any reports?

-- Spike (, October 24, 1999


Although I was at neither event, I can report a new sister-in-law and an interesting two and a half hour run along the poorly marked horse trails of Palos Verdes California. The canyons were quite steep and twice I gave up all hope of finding the trail I wanted and climbing up the hillside,sneaking through someone's back yard and making my way to a more reliable paved trail that autos also use... And towards the end, I even had the misfortune of making a parallel error using the roads, making a left turn early and running down a cul-de-sac. Ask me later about the Portuguese Bend Horse Club or the Forestal Quarry (of no return)...

-- Fritz Menninger (, October 25, 1999.

Double slam for OK in the annual Golden Goat. The West Coasts answer to Possum Trot!

10.2k and 790m climb in Monte Bello Ridge Park. Those who were at the training camp in California in June hopefully remember the mountain range we drove trough on the way back from the run in Big Basin. We stopped to take some pictures of the great views. We joked about running orienteering there. Me and Sanna took part in the Golden Goat there this Sunday.

We did our best to defend the Orienteer Kansas. We both won the long mass start class. You could skip any two controls with the restriction that it could not be a manned control and not two controls after each other. I took my time to read the map in the start. Everyone left. I decided to skip number one and fifteen. After that I run alone most of the course. I had some company in the beginning. Sanna also skipped number one and fifteen. The optimal controls to skip where probably number one and fourteen. My time 91.20, Sanna's 132.??.

As you know, we like it when it is tuff....

Magnus Wallenborg

-- Magnus Wallenborg (, October 25, 1999.

I wasn't at the meet either, but some interesting news seems to be happening here.

Congrats Magnus and Sanna on upholding OK's honor at the west coast goat! 790m is nothing to sneeze at, and anything under 10 min/km must be quite hard, even for a tough guy.

I am certainly interested in hearing more about the Portuguese Bend Horse Club and the Forestal Quarry (of no return), if now is "later" enough.

-- Mook (, October 26, 1999.

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