Response to It's Time to Get Practical and Tactical : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Thanks for this thread. It is helpful. Seems like ever since the hubby and I GI'd over 14 months ago our list never seems to get any shorter.

Add Goldenseal to the list of herbal supplements. GREAT immune booster for cold weather. Echinicea--don't be without and start taking the multivitamins now.

Got up at sunrise today and went for a brisk walk and generally communed with nature as much as you can in the burbs. It felt really really good. Cleared my head. Too bad during the week I have to get up at 5:30 which is really too early to be out walking (I like to see the sun come up).

We tried out the camp stove for the first time in months. TImed how long it took to boil water and cook pasta on it. WAY longer than the electric range, causing us to buy more fuel. We also realized we need a smaller cast iron skillet and a thinner skillet as well. Also realized we had a tiny measly amount of lighter fluid and charcoal for the grill/smoker out back.

Filled up some more water bottles today.

Making the hubby;s dental appt tomorrow, mine is December 2, our daughter's is November 22. Wondering if we have the $$ for the both of us to go to the eye dr before 12/31.

I feel like there is still so much to think about/figure out/get. Believe it or not, for all the preparation I have done, mentally as well, I JUST realized today the garage door opener doesn;t work w.out electricity (DUUUUHHHH!!!!!) So we disconnected it to see how easy it was to operate manually. Not bad once we had a piece of rope tied to the inside center to help in pull down. Glad we did that now.

Little details: the hubby said we will have both vehicles pulled in the garage facing out so as not to waste any extra time if we need to bug out in a hurry. Wouldn't have thought of that. Also made a plan that we will take both vehicles and ditch one if we need to. He has a Jeep Wrangler, I have a minivan, both have advantages and disadvantages.

We already have our sleep schedule worked out for if things are bad...sleeping in schedules w/the awake one barely looking out the window over the stairwell and occasionally cruising the house, gun in hand, safety on. The window over the stairwell is a GREAT lookout, even has a window seat.

Need some plywood.

Still wondering if any family members will be joining us as it gets closer. If there starts to be signs that things will be bad we might have a few ask to stay with us for a while. That prospect scares us and comforts us at the same time. That will mean an extra adult or two but it will also mean our food and water stores don't last as long. How I wish the rest of my family would put away SOMETHING! (My dad joked he was going to buy a few extra cases of Dr. Pepper. Yeah, OK Dad.)

-- preparing (, October 24, 1999

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