Are cpr and co. collecting "evidence"? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

I have the feeling that some of the posts over the last few days are "plants" to elicit "evidence" for cpr's notorious files. cpr has said on many occasions that he intends to collect "evidence" and deal with it appropriately. He even hinted that the FBI might be interested in those talking about shooting food thieves. I tried to put a damper on that thread but it didn't work very well.

Now there's a thread started from someone who wants to know if she should attend an uncle's funeral or not, spend the $200 on going or on beans. Come ON, guys, this has GOT to be a planted question to show what callous assholes we are. Even if these questions aren't meant for cpr's files, they could certainly scare away a newbie.

Any thoughts on this?

-- Anonymous, October 27, 1999


A handy (and reasonably honest) answer to this sort of question is --

"Only you know."

If asked "what would you do if ...?" --


-- Anonymous, October 27, 1999

Yup, you're right, Tom. Eric Berne would have thrown it right back, as in, "Wow, that really IS a problem. What are you going to do?" However, there are so many of us on the forum who want to be helpful and offer suggestions that unless someone jumps right in with such an answer (and I thought Milne's post was VERY good), other people aren't going to think before they try to help and, voila! cpr has more ammunition. Could we perhaps be a little more sensitive to this type of post and try to deflect people from giving cpr the bullets to shoot us with? (So to speak.)

-- Anonymous, October 27, 1999

Moi? Insensitive?

-- Anonymous, October 27, 1999

Oh, Tom, don't be so sensitive!

There's a thread at Debunker about copying TB2K in its entirety and using it with a search feature! Yep. These folks plan to toothcomb through all the posts and then spend from 00.01 a.m. on Jan 1 splitting hairs and throwing words back in faces.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

Miss M.M. *you* are wearing thin. TTFN

Posted by ( cpr on October 28, 1999 at 00:38:56:

In Reply to: Re: I don't want nor need publicity posted by Marianne Michaels on October 27, 1999 at 19:49:31:






No doubt at least some of it pertains to us wackos at TB2K.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

Their intentions wouldn't surprise me.

C'est-ce la vie.

Doubt it will matter much... next year.


-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

The -- guy is Doomers Suck and a few others:

Posted by ( Boink Narf Skippy Doomers Suck, Mr. R, Zoltar, _@_._ on October 29, 1999 at 08:19:57:

Also calls himself Steve Handey.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

He needs to drink a nice warm cup of Chamomile tea and go find something constructive to do.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

This thread from Debunking shows and admits they have been planting questions, as we suspected. Looks as if they have a new convert too, full of missionary zeal.

TB2000 deleted thread - Posted by ( anon1 on October 29, 1999 at 08:57:40:

Thought you might like to know the topic of what threatens TPTB over at stinkbomb2000. I posted a thread saying Holloween might be good practice....for handing out food to the hungry who knock at their door. My, My, My....what a response! Seems the doomers who are figuring on defending their "preps" don't want to think about WHO might be asking....such as a little kid who just wants something to eat. No...better to think of anyone knocking as part of the "faceless masses"...."looters"...or even "gubmint types" who might want some of their rice and beans....SHOOT EM!!! the doomers plan....what a sick bunch of fragile people....when they are confronted with a question that causes a reality check on their going "rambo"...they scream for their "moderators" to DELETE! DELETE! So much for reality for doomers....can't stand it if it makes them examine their delusions!

Those doomers must be tough, huh?


[And here's the complete thread outline:]

TB2000 deleted thread - anon1 08:57:40 10/29/99 (7)

Go easy on them, NASDAQ approaching record, nothing is going their way - Doc Paulie 11:02:51 10/29/99 (3)

Yardeni is going to need Houdini after today. Over at YourdoneGate,,FLEECED are very quiet...BUT a@a.a PROMISED. How can this be?? AS Nasdaq nears record. - cpr 11:09:01 10/29/99 (2)

Andy and the other metal shills missing while gold is just resting before it goes to the Moon. - cpr 11:12:13 10/29/99 (1)

And just where is Messiah Your=Toast-Ed? As the news gets better, HumptyDumb-Dumb gets sillier and N.M. gets colder - cpr 11:15:32 10/29/99 (0)

Re: TB2000 deleted thread - anon1 09:16:13 10/29/99 (1)

A noble thought. - Patricia 16:22:36 10/29/99 (0)

Re: TB2000 deleted thread - Ditto 09:02:44 10/29/99 (0)

[Notice another post from Anon1 in the outline - here it is:]

Re: TB2000 deleted thread

Posted by ( anon1 on October 29, 1999 at 09:16:13:

In Reply to: TB2000 deleted thread posted by anon1 on October 29, 1999 at 08:57:40:

Think this might be a good tactic to use in posting at that make them THINK about the fallout of their delusions....and maybe give them pause....before they shoot, go bonkers next year and hurt somebody. They sure do hate anything that questions the wisdom or reality or "can you live like that" regarding their delusional doomer puke. Posting just might do some good there!

Who knows, it just might make one or two think and not kill someone wanting "rice and beans" next year! Guess that's why they deleted my to protect those "tough doomers" from asking themselves if they really want to shoot some little hungry kid who knocks at the, this DOES show what the moderators priorities are, doesn't it....."for the children NOT!"


[SNIP from Patricia's Noble Thought post - "But a pure waste of time. It is an excellent tactic, but it's been tried by some over the past few months. Some continue to do so -- and my hat's off to those people. I don't know how they do it."]

[And now we see, some 7-1/2 hours after the first thread was begun, another by the same poster - exact same IP. It writes as if it didn't post the thread. Must have had a training e-mail from cpr]

Check out THIS WEEKEND TRY... thread at TB2000

Posted by ( anon on October 29, 1999 at 16:33:26:

I think this thread, and the doomer replies, are very illustrative of their mentality. some hungry kid comes to the door. The question isn't whether to feed them. The question is whether to kill them or just send them packing -- and hungry.

I think lots of these doomers are very dangerous indeed. They have depersonalized real people. That will make people easier to kill if there are any shortages of food next year.

They have found a mental "bunker" where all the failures and inadequacies of the outside world are non-existant. A mental bunker in which they can feel supreme. Sadly, I think several of them are "crimes against humanity" waiting to happen. Sad....very sad....

[And, as you can see, cpr has answered as if it hadn't come up before.]

-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

Old Git, that one is Killer/Dominant Sniper and Genius/Codeslinger. Our Federal Reserve Bank computer programmer troll.

*My Bud*



-- Anonymous, October 30, 1999

"BWAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!" has become as tiresome as Mr. Rogers.

Whatever happened to ingenuity? creativity?

-- Anonymous, October 30, 1999

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