What is a Rodenstock 300 F9 Geronar

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know the history and quality of the 300 F9 Geronar. I have been told it was a budget lens produced by Rodenstock.

-- Steven Rosen (sjackrosen@aol.com), October 27, 1999


I believe these are 3 element lenses, and were a cheaper alternative to the more complex lenses. They are sharp lenses, but with less coverage than the more complex designs. At 300mm, it probably has plenty of coverage for 4x5, but if you are going to use it with 8x10, you may want to test it first, if possible. With fewer elements, they should be less prone to flare and ghosting than lenses with more elements. I think Calumet still offers this lens (rebadged, it think) as an entry level lens for the Cadet.

-- Ron Shaw (shaw0@llnl.gov), October 27, 1999.

According to one of the static articles on the main page, it covers 340mm. I've seen them range in price from $375 to $560 (no way). I considered one for a little bit, but decided to hold out for something a little more substantial for a similar price.

-- sheldon hambrick (sheldon_hambrick@hotmail.com), October 27, 1999.

I have owned 3 Geronar's 90, 150, and 210. I have absolultley loved them! They work great in color & B&W. I have also been looking into the 300. I will buy it if it will cover 8x10. Does it?!!!

-- Mando Morlos (morl0853@students.sou.edu), November 28, 2000.

I've looked into and this lens does cover 8x10 in fact it has more coverage than the nikkon300f9!!! I am definatley in the market if anyone has one they want to sell!

-- Mando Morlos (morl0853@students.sou.edu), November 29, 2000.

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