10/1/99 - almost a month in the past now, and nada, zip, zilch, squat.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I just one want person to give a list of valid reason why the world didn't crash and burn on October 1, 1999. You know, that big bad fiscal year changeover? Ed Yourdon and his "there is also a finite possibility that pigs will fly" sure didn't come through on this one (Or any other prediction to date).

I mean, can anyone really think that Y2K is going to be a problem this late in the year with little to no y2k effects. I can understand why you idiots were jumpy six months ago but this is ridiculous.

I presume this is the reason why the date for TEOTWAWKI is getting pushed back day after day, so far now that some are saying we won't see any real disruptions until april.

All I can say is hardy har har. What about reservations? What about ticket sales? Lots 'o things with the Year 2000 all over them already. I have not seen even ONE example of a y2k related problem, and we are only 60+ days away.

(Those of you who can think of nothing better to say than it's "Y2K stupid" can kindly refrain from reminding me how dull you are).

-- (who@cares.com), October 28, 1999


It's Y2K stupid. :)

-- (Where'sthe@beef.com), October 28, 1999.

who cares: Okay, your right, go relax now and find something else to do to occupy your time. It no longer matters whether your a doomer or a polly it's too late to prepare. The doomers will use their stash, nothing ventured nothing gained.

-- bardou (bardou@baloney.com), October 28, 1999.

who: the only difference between real prophets and false prophets is TIME

-- David John (djcon@bellsouth.net), October 28, 1999.

I'd agree with that part about prphets and Time. Maybe now you guys can shut up about the future, and listen to the Pollys explain why you were so horribly wrong about the past.

-- (who@cares.com), October 28, 1999.

In a similar vein, on Sept. 8, New York City deputy Mayor Joseph Lohta, while sitting next to John Koskinen at John Jay College, looked me in the eye and told me that the city of New York would begin its communication about Y2K to the citizenry in October, but so far, nada, zip, zilch, squat.

Listen here for Lohta telling me, "We won't wait til the last minute, we will start in October, which is 20 some odd days from now, start the process through the last three months of the year, 90 days is more than enough time to put this together."

http:// www.npr.org/ramfiles/atc/19990910.atc.16.ram

Did he out and out lie to me?

Personally, I'm more disturbed by this nada, zip, zilch, squat than I am by the fact that "the world didn't crash and burn on October 1" (which doesn't disturb me in the least, mainly since I didn't expect it, and don't want it).

who@cares, why do you want to play this game?

-- pshannon (pshannon@inch.com), October 28, 1999.

who... the terrible about deception is that your deceived and don't know it. Also if you choose to believe a lie...your doomed.(re:1 thess 2:10-12)

-- David John (djcon@bellsouth.net), October 28, 1999.

Here's one example, now go away...

"More than 1,000 schools nationwide will likely have to shut their doors to fix Y2K-related failures after Jan. 1, said Department of Education Deputy Secretary Mike Smith at a press conference today."

-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@Y2KOK.ORG), October 28, 1999.

Go Uncle Bob. No common sense.......scary

-- thomas saul (thomas.saul@yale.edu), October 28, 1999.

Saying "Likely" is just the same as saying "If".

Tell me that schools are going to close down because _______________.

And it is painfully obvious that you doomers will either believe or disbelieve anybody who holds title depending on whether they fortify or weaken your position. It's like you say, we can't trust the senators! Well, expect the ones that say Y2K is going to be bad.

What a joke.

-- (who@cares.com), October 28, 1999.

Same thing goes for computer programmers and CEO's. They don't know what they are talking about until they start saying things you want to hear.

This place is a lesson in selective thought. Just pick up all those bad little vibes and let all those nast little pollies sit around absorbing the good.

Not a very healthy way to live, but it's your choice so go make it. But if you decide to be a Doomer than do the world a favor and take a permanent vacation from it.

-- (who@cares.com), October 28, 1999.


Apparently, you care, or you wouldn't be here so often. I mean, really, if you truly don't care, and we are so dull, why do you spend so much time here? And why are you so angry? Methinks panic bubbles very near the surface....

-- Observer (watching@times..), October 28, 1999.

---this might be a reason, but I will bow to any IT folks, and I hope they respond. the federal gov is NOT on next years time yet. they have been "doing business" on extensions of last years budget. there has been NO budget officially released or activated yet. the king and the senate have been fighting about it, so they are still using last years. Maybe no inputed dates into 2000 yet............... zog the guessing this time

-- zog (zzoggy@yahoo.com), October 28, 1999.

Before February 1st of this year, I didn't know one way or another if the Jo Anne Effect was going to cause noticeable problems that would end up being reported to the media. After February 1st, when Wal-Mart and some other companies entered their fiscal year 2000 with no reported problems, I realized that what PNG had been saying on this forum was true...that problems in accounting software aren't nearly as noticeable to outsiders as problems in manufacturing or distribution would be. Accounting software has to do with "keeping score."

We won't hear that much about Y2K-related manufacturing or distribution problems until January 2000. It was clear to me in February that we weren't going to hear much about fiscal year rollover problems in accounting software on April 1st and July 1st. Most people on this forum weren't expecting "show-stoppers" on April 1st and July 1st either, but yet the issue of few reported problems does continue to get raised from time to time here for some reason.

Anyone who'd like to learn more about the significance and non- significance of fiscal year rollovers in accounting software, as well as find examples of problems that have occured so far can find quite a few relevant links on the following thread:

"Significance of States Fiscal Start"


Most non-accounting software problems, PC BIOS chip and PC operating system problems, and embedded system/process control system problems are still ahead of us. Those are the ones with the potential of being "show-stoppers."

It should also be noted that the GPS rollover and 9/9/99 were each their own unique types of glitches and are not a subset of the "99" and "00" problem that we usually refer to as Y2K.

-- Linkmeister (link!@librarian.edu), October 28, 1999.

Apparently, you care, or you wouldn't be here so often. I mean, really, if you truly don't care, and we are so dull, why do you spend so much time here? And why are you so angry? Methinks panic bubbles very near the surface....


Okay, let's take a look at this. I DO care... the handle was a silly joke about the e-mail address space, as if WHO CARES what my e-mail is. Maybe I should have written anon@anon.com so that you don't think I'm a heartless bastard.

Many of you ARE dull, and there is no hope. But hundreds of new people see this BB every day and I want them to see "the trolls" at work. I think it's in their best interest to steer them WAY away from this place, and lead them to a nuetral territory where they can think freely without having somone arounf to try and scare them (you guys).

Angry? yeah okay, I am a little more short tempered than some people. I don't appear as an agry fellow though, or at least not in person. My words are vitriolic but hey, deal with it. There are no laws against debating and carry on a heated exchange.

Panic? MMMM, no.

(Holding up hand to show you how calm my nerves are).

Any other IMPORTANT questions or do you want to get back to the topic at hand, that pesky Oct 1. fiasco thatmade so many of you look incompetant and cultish.

-- (who@cares. what my e-mail address is), October 28, 1999.

(who@cares.com), just in case you didn't know it, the French are putting the finishing touches on the Eiffel Tower. They're covering it with flash bulbs to be set off at the stroke of midnight. Also, huge preparations citywide with spectacular preps at the Plaze de Concorde. You really should plan on being there, it will put all other countries to shame. Champe El'ysee will be the place for partying like you've never seen before. The entire city of Paris is being cleaned and polished for the event. Also, the plaza in front of the Hotel De'Ville, government building will have spectaculars too. The Seine River will have never looked so grand. You could be there tomorrow on Air France. Why not buy a ticket today?

Go, enjoy and feel free!!!

-- snooze button (alarmclock_2000@yahoo.com), October 28, 1999.

Friends of the forum, we all know who the disrupters are, so I don't know why anyone bothers taking up bandwidth to answer them, particularly at length, and especially since we get so many "server busy" messages in the past two weeks. The only benefit "might" be in showing a few newbies that these goofs don't really look at the facts and should be disregarded. There is too little time left in which to endlessly debate with intentional disrupters. Let's keep the lines open for what really matters...please. (It reminds me of the times when the rest of the class waited to get on with the material that mattered, while two verbal wiseguys slugged it out to see who could one-up the other!)

-- Elaine Seavey (Gods1sheep@aol.com), October 28, 1999.

-- Elaine Seavey (Gods1sheep@aol.com), October 28, 1999.

Yes, who cares, we are a cult. Look into my eyes. You are getting sleeeepy. Now, go out and buy some supplies. Go out and buy some supplies. Go out and buy some supplies. When I count to ten, you will be a doomer. Ready, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6........

-- clan (cults@r.us), October 28, 1999.

Elaine, The questions might be stupid, but sometimes our answers are good. Actually, this question is always being answered. FYI, who cares, the *official" answer is: *It's Y2K, stupid.* It's not over until we have seen the results. While, like you, the rest of us are eager to KNOW definitively, I guess we will all have to wait.

-- Mara (MaraWayne@aol.com), October 28, 1999.

who cares, where is this "neutral" place you want to steer people to? I'm always searching for new info.

-- (rcarver@inacom.com), October 28, 1999.

The government's y2k site had several fiscal-year failures reported, included, interestly enough, a few affecting payroll and retirement/health care in the FAA. Guess they missed those, eh, while fixing the ATC system? (Hope it works better.)

I applaud Mr. K's decision to publicize these, rather than hide them. It does show that many failures do occur, but - if you didn't read his site daily, you'd have never known about it.



The city of Oakland, yesterday, asked for another few million to "finish" its Oracle-based conversion: but less than half of the original users can use the new system yet.

Over budget, behind schedule, creating bugs in the new software - and this is for the city's main financial control program. 60 days unitl it's needed - and it doesn't work yet!


That one example - multiplied by how many cities? - is why the year 2000 problems are going to be bigger than any administration publicist ever imagined.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), October 28, 1999.

Note that adding the words 'nada, zip, zilch, squat' does not in any way change the meaning of the word 'nothing.' Nothing already means the absence of anything; adding trite words to 'nothing' does not mean less of anything.

Except to a Clichean. These strange visitors from another planet think nothing of absorbing all Earth cliches of the last couple decades, and then regurgitating them at every opportunity. Supposedly, this makes them feel more adept at their tongue.

-- YourEnglishTeacher (overused@phrases.com), October 28, 1999.

Sourse: The Salt Lake Tribune ---- Found on the CNNfn site

Some bugs turning up now, but expected to level off soon Most people assume that Y2K problems will just happen on January 1, and then go away or be fixed. What they don't realize is that some bugs have already started to show themselves. On a bright note, the Gartner Group's Lou Marcoccio notes in the article that 97% of all Y2K-related failures take only a few minutes to fix.

-- thinkIcan (thinkIcan@make.it), October 28, 1999.


I was at my friend's house drinking beer on Saturday, Oct 23, when I caught on one of the local Cable channels the Y2K meeting at City Hall. It was a tape from October 20. The auditorium was empty. Mayor was not there, but there was a bunch of other people. The general message was -- We are ready 99.7%.

-- Brooklyn (brooklyn@ny.usa), October 28, 1999.

who@cares muttered:

Many of you ARE dull, and there is no hope. But hundreds of new people see this BB every day and I want them to see "the trolls" at work. I think it's in their best interest to steer them WAY away from this place, and lead them to a nuetral territory where they can think freely without having somone arounf to try and scare them (you guys).

Why don't you just let people make up their own mind. If they want to stay let them stay, if they want to leave, they will leave.

You are attempting to control people, how dare you.

-- Simon Richards (simon@wair.com.au), October 28, 1999.

Hi Your English Teacher...I am the English Teacher. I noticed his overused phrases, as well, but was really impressed me was his use of the word "vitriolic". Hmmmmm, impressive, especially for a troll!

-- The English Teacher (theenglishteacher@school.com), October 28, 1999.

10/1/99 - almost a month past...

Using "vitriolic" was impressive? Naaah. Just shows he reads Marvel comix; they've used words like that for years. Stan Lee has been improving reader's vocabularies since the early 60's. Where else in popular reading might you come across "Brobdingnagian"? Sent me to the dictionary, and thence to Gulliver's Travels.

-- Mac (sneak@lurk.hid), October 29, 1999.

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