Brewers Yeast : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Brewers yeast is not the same thing you find in a packet marked Fleischmann's or Red Star. I've never seen it anywhere but in health food stores, where it often can be bought in bulk. It abounds in protein, B vitamins and many minerals. Vegetarians would do well to add a teaspoon to whatever they eat, since their diet can be deficient in B vitamins. For this reason, it's a good addition to your stash if you're planning on eating a lot of soy protein. It provides complete protein, by the way, and is--are you ready?--more nutritious than liver! And much more palatable!

Brewers yeast is also rich in lysine. A couple of tablespoons of brewers yeast added to a loaf of bread (in addition to the regular baking yeast) will provide a much more nourishing food. Add it to other baked goods, too.

Happily, Brewers yeast can be kept for months without spoiling. (I presume cool, dark, dry.)

Interesting to me and other diabetics is this: We do know that one element which it contains is called the "Glucose Tolerance Factor" (GTF), which has the trace mineral chromium in its chemical structure. This GTF is necessary for the body to maintain the correct regulation of blood sugar, so it is especially important for diabetics and victims of low blood sugar.

As a high proitein food, yeast costs about one-fourth as much as meat, in terms of actual nutritional value for protein. And speaking of its high protein content--do not give it as a flea repellent to an animnal with failing kidneys.

The book says you can mix brewers yeast into peanut butter--as much as 20% of the volume--without the taste being affected. I like to mix it into soups, casseroles and stews (I prefer to do it after cooking, although cooking is said not to destroy its nutritional value). I also dust it over salads--it has a light, flaky-powdery texture. Look for more recipes and info on the Web.

-- Old Git (, October 29, 1999


Thanks for all the great information, Old Git. I know that B vitamins in particular are easily destoyed in food processing, so adding after cooking is a good idea. It tastes good sprinkled over popcorn too. Haven't had it myself for some time, since I became allergic to yeasted food, but will get some to feed the family. Wonder if it tastes good mixed into millet? ;)

-- Bingo (, October 29, 1999.

Old Git, great food threads today! Printing millet, brewer's yeast, molasses. Thanks!

-- silver ion (, October 29, 1999.

Old Git, is Brewers the same as Nutritional yeast? (a golden yellow thingy with the consistency of potatoe flakes) I always thought brewers yeast was a bitter powder. Maybe I'm confused. We use nutritional all the time. thx

-- (, October 29, 1999.

According to "The American Vegetarian Cookbook from the Fit for Life Kitchen" by Marilyn diamond, "Nutritional Yeast is a flavorful, yellow powder grown as a food and food supplement, concentrated in amino acids and B vitamin complex. Not a by-product like 'brewer's yeast' (from the beer industry). Taste is slightly cheesy."

-- Margo (, October 30, 1999.

I use nutritional and brewers interchangeably. They may not be the same stuff but I think have similar characteristics. Will look this up later for specifics, have a busy day today.

Thanks for kind comments. Will be posting more such, must concentrate on practicalities more and I cerainly have enough good books on nutrition to do it. No biggie, I need to refresh myself on the info anyway so may as well get it out to y'all as well!

-- Old Git (, October 30, 1999.

Sorry, forgot to cut and paste URL.

Brewers Yeast is the yeast used to ferment barley and hops into beer; the end result is nutrient-rich non-active dried yeast and nutrient-poor beer. Nutritional yeast is a similar yeast, specially grown for nutritional purpose. Brewers and nutritional yeast are excellent sources of the B complex vitamins, minerals, nucleic acids, and high-quality protein.

They contain the amino acids alanine, and valine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, cystine, hydroxyproline, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, serine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine.

Yeast contains very little fat. Some forms of yeast are an excellent source of GTF-chromium, and are an effective aid in the treatment of diabetes. Both Brewers and nutritional yeast lower blood cholesterol levels and help to fight cardiovascular disease. (Brewers yeast should not be confused with active Bakers yeast that causes bloating, diarrhoea, flatulence, and extreme gastrointestinal discomfort if ingested uncooked).

Brewers or nutritional yeast are highly recommended as a general daily supplement. They contain elements which assist the body retain its youthful health and energy. Especially of benefit for anybody leading an active life which demands physical exertion or extreme nervous strain. Lack of Vitamin B is indicated by muscular weakness, impaired growth in children, hives and other skin irritations, and aging signs such as premature greying, hair loss, wrinkling of the skin, flabby muscles and tired eyes. Yeast is available as a powder or in tablets.

-- Old Git (, October 30, 1999.

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