Prep Forum and Classic Prep Archive : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

An all in one post trying to gather prep material and Y2K documents. Stockpile information. But get the tuna first.

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Also relevant links for Y2K information from the US Senate

 *****Senate 100 Day Report in HTML*****

International Hearing

 Foreign Preparedness for Y2K CIA Testimony  Must read

 Jacquelyn Williams-Bridgers, State Department Inspector General

 Howard Rubin  Must read

 International Y2K Risk (International Monitoring)

 Hon. James Moody


 International Civil Aviation Y2K Information Review

A SEC Y2K disclosure that is historic IMHO

  ENRON --- This one will make your hair stand on end !

Another historic document.

 (HTML) Report to the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem

Best Y2K water site.

 California State Water Resources Control Board,

A good over view of Y2K as seen by the Gartner Group

 (Gartner)Year 2000 World Status, 2Q99: The Final Countdown

Categorized corperate SEC filings

 A long list of SEC Filings

Is Motorola concerned?

 MOTOROLA INC - (Year 2000 Disclosure) Quarterly Report (SEC form 10-Q) August 3rd

My Canadian site

 Y2K in Canada and Beyond

-- Brian (, October 30, 1999


Also I would recommend reading the article from Dale Way.

 IEEE Y2K Chairman's Personal, Pessimistic Take on Y2K and Yourdon's End Game Paper

Good luck folks.

-- Brian (, October 30, 1999.

Thanks for all the excellent work Brian, that ENRON post is incredible!

Very telling,a real keeper

-- matt (, October 30, 1999.


At this late date---Posts like yours should be the norm on an hourly and daily basis.


-- Dave Butts (, October 30, 1999.

Thanks for the support!


Glad to see the NZ folks on the forum. We are going to be counting on you guys real soon.


Maybe I should start posting this on a hourly basis. No maybe not :o) Although it would be better than wading through a bunch of troll posts.

-- Brian (, October 30, 1999.


Well done! Don't stop.

Sincerely, Stan Faryna

-- Stan Faryna (, October 30, 1999.


I was thinking of stopping actually. After almost 2 years of day to day research the novelty wears thin.

But then thought have I done enough to help inform folks?

Do they know enough to keep their liners dry?

-- Brian (, October 30, 1999.

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