OT?: India State Officials To Meditate, Bill Gates connection

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


HYDERABAD, India (AP)  A reform-minded politician, trying to turn his state into India's technology powerhouse, is relying on yoga to provide a ``physically and spiritually balanced'' government.

Chandrababu Naidu, the highest elected official in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, is known to work 18 hours a day and live on a frugal diet.

In a move to boost the alertness and improve the performance of his government ministers and officials, Naidu on Friday organized a mandatory three-day course in yoga.

``Your health is precious not only for you but also for the entire state,'' he told participants.

The course includes yoga exercises, meditation and stress reduction techniques and nutrition counseling.

The course was organized by Prajapita Brahmakumari Eshwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, a voluntary organization promoting spiritual well-being.

Naidu's tips to his ministers for improving efficiency at work: Wake up early in the morning, drink 1 1/2 gallons of water a day, practice yoga and meditation and eat light non-spicy food.

All lawmakers in Andhra Pradesh will have to undergo the yoga classes. Naidu made the decision after many lawmakers were unable to take part in his Motherland program, which involves voluntary physical work.

``The program requires people to dig, clean and do other physical work. They are unable to do it,'' he said.

In other efforts to improve efficiency, Naidu has computerized many public records, held videoconferences with remote villages and introduced greater accountability of public officials.

The measures have won him praise from such people as Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, who invested several million dollars in a computer software facility in Andhra Pradesh.

-- Bill (G@t.es), October 31, 1999



what's the story behind the picture?

-- snooze button (alarmclock_2000@yahoo.com), October 31, 1999.


Teenager, no driver's license, no registration, speeding......same thing when I was 13 but add no helmet and no inspection sticker.

-- zzzzzzzzz (z@z.z), October 31, 1999.

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