OT - small airline crash in Ft. Lauderdale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Just breaking on www.foxnews.com. No further information available so far.

-- STFrancis (STFrancis@heaven.com), November 02, 1999


There is a picture of it too

Small Plane Down in Everglades
1.03 p.m. ET (1803 GMT) November 2, 1999
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.  A single-engine plane crashed in the swamps of the Everglades shortly after takeoff around noon Tuesday, and rescue crews are responding to the scene, the Coast Guard said.

Rescue operations may be hindered by spilled fuel, which is very volatile considering any sort of spark could ignite it

A Coast Guard rescue swimmer approached the Cessna 152 training plane as it floated, leaking fuel in the swamp waters about seven miles west of Fort Lauderdale. But Coast Guard spokesman Petty Officer Scott Car told the Fox News Channel that the swimmer did not have the proper equipment to enter the submerged cockpit. "He really couldn't see anything," he said.

There are no signs of life from the 1980, two-seater plane.

The Coast Guard is awaiting the arrival of a dive team from a Broward County fire department to attempt a rescue, the spokesman said.

The first report of the crash was shortly after noon, the spokesman said, not long after the plane left Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport.

That airport is reportedly used mostly for small private planes.

Rescue operations may be hindered by alligators in the swamp and the spilled fuel, which the Coast Guard spokesman said is very volatile and "any sort of spark can ignite it."

-- planes down everywhere (more@than.you.think), November 02, 1999.

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