Central Chattanooga Yard

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Can someone please tell me if there is anything left of Cummins Yard in Chattanooga and also where it was exactly. Many thanks. Warren

-- Warren D. Stephens (wdstephens@prodigy.net), November 07, 1999


OK, I am still a bit confused about the CofG in Chattanooga but I did find where the original yard was. Armed with a set of vintage Sanborn maps, I did a little exploring. The original (steam era/pre Cummins) Chattanooga yard was where the Norfolk Southern bulk load transfer facility is now. No doubt about it. Matches the map exactly. I also had maps of the area around Terminal Station. According to them, the CofG freight depot is gone. If the maps are correct, the freight depot was located about where the parking deck is on the north side of the Choo Choo..... Warehouse Row is above King Street and according to the maps the CofG freight house was south of King Street and was located directly on Market Street.

-- Warren D. Stephens (wdstephens@prodigy.net), October 11, 2002.

A number of the old railroad warehouses are still around. They form the area now known as Warehouse Row. This is an upscale retail merchant's area located within a block of the Central of Georgia freight depot. It has also been renovated as a shopping center and is known as the Freight Depot (makes plenty of sense). The Central also used the Central Passenger Depot for many years. All that remains of that facility is one small baggage building. It is privately owned and not open at this time.

-- Alan Walker (envlink@voyageronline.net), April 01, 2002.

Warren, if I remember correctly the Central's yard was moved from downtown Chattanooga to Cummins Yard sometime in the mid fifties. There was some highway construction that caused the Central to make this move. Todd Horton

-- Todd Horton (Centga@aol.com), November 16, 1999.

The CofGa yard at Chattanooga was above the Alabama Great Southern Shipp yard and situated to Shipp's Northwest and the Central's tracks crossed the AGS or Southern if you prefer at grade just above Shipp at 23rd street. There was also a CofGa freight station located somewhere seperate from the yard for less than carload items. My question was sort of vague so I'll try again. Out of the Central of Georgia Railway facilities at Chattanooga, are there any structures or tracks that remain above the 23rd street area such as some remnant of the yard or the freight house. I am not to familiar with the downtown area and am basing what I do know on operating timetables and the simple map from the book Rails Remembered. After the Southern takeover in 1963 the CofGa trains used Southern's Citico/DeButts yard.

-- Warren D. Stephens (wdstephens@prodigy.net), November 16, 1999.

Carvens Yard was the old Nashville, Chattanooga, & St. Louis yard which was taken over by the L&N with the merger in 1957. Cravens Yard which hugged the east bank of the Tennessee River at Moccasin Bend, is the railyard the figures prominately in the old photographs of the downtown Chattanooga made from Point Park at the tip of Lookout Mountain. It is largely, if not totally abandoned now. The roundhouse stood until just a few years ago.

-- Arnold W. Eaves (aeaves@newcastle.com), November 15, 1999.

Didn't see anything on the map about Cummins Yard, but there is a Cravens Yard at the foot of Lookout Mountain, although it is owned and used by CSX. TAG and CofG interchanged with Southern at Shipps Yard, which is right under and runs south of I-24 near Rossville Boulevard (now it's C&C interchanging with NS).

-- Matthew Sadler (mws@kf4lhp.net), November 13, 1999.

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