1,000 hospital beds to be ready for millennium emergencies

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


Tuesday, November 9, 1999 1,000 hospital beds to be ready for millennium emergencies


Up to 1,000 hospital beds will be kept empty and medicine and blood stockpiled to cope with any unexpected problems over the turn of the millennium.

Reassuring legislators yesterday that all hospitals and medical services were Y2K compliant, Hospital Authority deputy director Ko Wing-man said further contingency measures were in the pipeline.

"The Hospital Authority will take the initiative to prepare for any unexpected events. Some indirect events may have a direct impact on the operation of the hospital services. We have a well-rounded contingency plan," he said.

Non-emergency operations would be deferred.

In addition to increased manpower and treatment capacity, the authority said emergency electricity supplies in hospitals and clinics would be on standby in case of a power cut. A health sector Y2K co-ordinating centre would come under the direct control of the Central Co-ordinating Centre - the highest government authority on Y2K-related affairs.

Meanwhile, a government emergency centre would keep Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa and his top aides posted on SAR-wide millennium affairs between 7pm on New Year's Eve and 4am the next day.

Deputy Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting Jessie Ting Yip Yin-mei said the centre would be manned by 24 senior officials from different bureaus and departments.

-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@Tminus60&counting.down), November 09, 1999


That neck of the woods is pretty scary territory to experience the bug failures in. I'm surprised it is just a 1000 beds.

-- Paula (chowbabe@pacbell.net), November 09, 1999.

I talked to an acquaintance who is a nurse at Swedish Hospital here in Seattle. They are anticipating "major business" and are preparing accordingly. All emergency room staff will be on duty-not just the "normal" shift personnel. They also expect casualties from the WTO meetings and protests at the end of the month.

-- Greg Lawrence (greg@speakeasy.org), November 09, 1999.

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