Bryce Sunrise Detail : LUSENET : Nature Photography Image Critique : One Thread

While photgraphing the sunrise at Bryce Canyon NP a few weeks ago, I turned to my right and saw these formations appear to glow from within. I only got a few frames before the light changed. Velvia & Nikon gear.

-- Jeff Kelley (, November 10, 1999


The term grabshot is not always derrogatory, this by your admission is a grabshot and a very nice one, we do not always have the time to plan a shot, sometimes we just have to be fast and lucky. Pat

-- pat j. krentz (, November 10, 1999.

You were definitely "in the right place at the right time." The diagonal ridge with the sunlight makes a nice composition of what might otherwise have been only so-so.

-- Alan Davenport (, November 11, 1999.

Having been to Bryce earlier this year myself, I find this shot quite nice with the right mood and color. However, if I had time to re-compose it, I would tilt the lens a little lower, eliminating about the top 15% of the image which is quite dark and including a little more from below.

-- Shun Cheung (, November 11, 1999.

Good eye for light. Post some more.

-- Larry Korhnak (, November 12, 1999.

Gorgeous! Donna

-- Donna P. Bollenbach (, November 16, 1999.

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