How do I create a file with a hi-res image AND text? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need to create a photo image file, preferably TIFF uncompressed, with some text IN the photo, and more text below it, the whole file being printable as a landscape page. My Easytek Photo-Assistant 98 Light allows me to do that, but not to transfer that proprietary-code (plt?) file to, say, a Zip disk for delivery to a commercial printer. Do I really have to spring for Adobe Photoshop to achieve this? First, I am a geezer on a pension; and second, I don't want to devote the rest of my life (and hard disk) to Photoshop. Is there some program out there that will do it, something smaller, simpler, cheaper? SOS.

-- Paul Brodtkorb (unicornp@concentric.nrt), November 13, 1999


Many programs will save a file in proprietary format by default (for example when you click "File / Save", but if you do a "File /Save as..." then you can sometimes select different formats from the "Save as type:" box.

Why don't you try that, and see if the program offers you TIFF, which is industry-standard file type, as you pointed out?


-- bruce komusin (, November 14, 1999.

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