what is your brain saying?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Have you been having good conversations with your brain lately, or has it mostly been bitching and moaning like mine has?

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999


My brain says: do something, do something, do something. Write something, do something, stop being such a goddamn slug.

I get really antsy if I haven't written anything. It's just a bad habit that I don't write every day like I should (not even for work). But my brain gets really restless really easily if I'm not doing 10 things at a time. When there's no LCP show going on (like right now), I feel like the laziest person in the world.

Why do we kill ourselves like this? Can't we just chill and mellow out and sit around like stoners?

Sigh... Gotta go write.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

Forgot: My brain is also saying "MALKOVICH!!!"

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

My brain is on hiatus right now. I overtaxed it and so it took all it's vacation time and left. Without leaving a forwarding address or return date. It's a frightening scenario, but man is it fun.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

The brain is a pain raising Cain. (By George, I think she's got it.)

Al of Nova Notes.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999


-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

I got fired Friday, and did a Brain Entry on it yesterday.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

my voice is saying 'tequila , beer , tequila ' but unfortunately the conservative worker brain is thinking 'bills , work , deadlines , sleep '.......I think it shall be a fight to the death , and I hope that my little voice can wipe the floor with the brain. wish me luck

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

My brain is saying: Don't blow all that money. Do NOT blow it. Do something smart. Do NOT do something like buy everyone a ticket to Austin to visit Pamie. Do NOT go to Tiffany's and buy yourself an engagement ring so you can fake out all your friends.

Spend it wisely grasshopper.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 1999

My brain is saying what the HELL happened to my bathroom.

Seriously. I live in Prague, which is the kind of place, apparently, where they can just TAKE your bathroom. I got home yesterday and it was gone. Not just the toilet, not just the bathtub and the sink, but the FLOOR. The plumbers took my floor. They said they were going to fix my toilet, not make it go away.

So my brain is saying this: Why. Why. Why. And when will they put it back.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 1999

Bottle your mead.

I have 4 carboys of mead in my basement that's ready to bottle, and I've made a commitment to myself that I won't start anything new going until I clear off enough table space for another carboy, so I really need to get around to bottling sometime soon because I'm out of beer.

Hey, wait, I could make lager in my fridge...

-- Anonymous, November 17, 1999

It's saying: Go home. now. just pick up your feet and when nobodys watching - and run. Leave the ugly big office and all of its non-windowed grey rooms and flee. And don't forget to steal a Mac on your way out.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 1999

Mine is saying, "Look at your ass, bitch, whatsa matter with you? Stop using the mirror that only shows you from the neck up, walk over to the full length, and take a look at what you've done to yourself! Now, go take a damn walk! Would it kill you to do a freakin' sit up? Haven't you been paying attention to what Pamie has been trying to tell you? Don't be ashamed to ask Billy Blanks for help, he WANTS to help. Maybe you'll listen to him, 'cause you sure don't listen to me!"

-- Anonymous, November 18, 1999

My brain was asking itself why about something before it went blank. Suddenly I feel better.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 1999


-- Anonymous, November 22, 1999

Don't ya wanna drive? Isn't there some reason to get in the car? How much faster can you take that corner? Where's the herb? See a cop anywhere? FASTER, FASTER, FASTER!!! I thought you were gonna stone me...

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1999

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