Y2K and Increased Credit Limits

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Source: IOMA's Report On Managing Credit, Receivables and Collections December 1999

"Y2K may mean more requests for increased credit limits:

Here's why. Everyone is nervous about the possible fallout from small millennium bugs. According a survey of materials managers, purchasing managers, inventory control, and supply chain management, the National Association of Purchasing Management says that 34.6% of shippers are building Y2K inventor. As a result, they are adding several days of inventory to the supply chain. For instance, 26.2% are adding up to 10 days of inventory, 31.1% are adding up to 20 days, and 24.6% are adding up to 30 days. Some 1.6% are adding more than 50 days. Credit professionals, however, are likely to feel uncomfortable increasing limits at a time when there is concern over potential problems and a desire to decrease the limits of those very customers asking for increases."

-- kalani & katiuska (kalani_hanohano@hotmail.com), November 17, 1999


This is off topic, but that's a cool first name. I have a friend with the same name. Makes me think of the Disney ride:"Small World". And all the little animated kiddies singing "It's a small world after all..." Hmmmm. wonder if the animated kiddies are gonna suddenly stop. Do they have computer chips?

well, I gotta get back outside, to watch the lightshow.

-- Dbaby (tomG@heaven.com), November 17, 1999.

oh, I meant to add that I like your name, too, katiuska. it's really sharp. Byebye.

-- Dbaby (tomG@heaven.com), November 17, 1999.

I like Kaukana cheese spread.

-- A (A@AisA.com), November 18, 1999.

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