Toshiba PDR-M4 Review Video Firmware Upgrade? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I was surprised to read the following excerpt from the "imaging resource" review of the subject camera. I have checked the Toshiba web site but have found no reference to any such driver. If it exists I'd certainly like to get it. Does anyone know anything more about upgrading the PDR-M4 for video?

Excerpt from Toshiba PDR-M4 Review:

Video? As we "went to press" with this review, Toshiba had just emailed us a firmware upgrade that supposedly adds some level of video-capture capability to the camera(!) Apparently, the super-fast CPU in the PDR-M4 has enough horsepower to handle MPEG compression, so they're able to add this function via firmware. (Very unusual feat, that!) We haven't had time to check it out yet, but will test it and update this review once we have done so. Macro

-- Grant Zelych (, November 19, 1999


We need to go back and update that review - The latest from Toshiba is that the video upgrade for the PDR-M4 won't be made available in this country. :-( It was apparently killed by Japan for "product reasons". (Don't know what that means, maybe they don't want the M4 to compete for sales with the M5, which has the video capability built in.)

Sorry for not getting that review updated before now, I'll try to get to it "soon". ;-)

-- Dave Etchells (, November 29, 1999.

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