Sysop response on - ATTENTION: CHUCK and the SYOPS DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS! Proof that they are LYING TO YOU!! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


A whort while ago there was a thread posted to TB2k entitled:

"The spin on y2k must be in high gear", by y2kdave.


I posted a short blurb about the City of Atlanta, from the way I saw it. I referenced radio, tv, and word of mouth. To me, it seems like they are being honest about remediation, and giving the public a good idea of what to do.

I.E: Do the research, prepare for some disruption, and be ready for about three weeks of doing without some things. If you live near a chemical factory, then do research and make up your own mind on whether or not to be near them during the rollover.

All those things above I have heard and read in the City of Atlanta. Some of it on the local news. But my post was deleted. There was no cursing, vulgarity, or trolling. It was MY OPINION, but MY OPINION didn't make it, and it was cut.

It is clear to me that they (The Sysops) are doing some SPINNING OF THEIR OWN AT TB2K... and it must be made CLEAR!!!!







Here is the link and the thread in it's edited version:


So far this week, two eastern Iowa news organizations ran stories on y2k and banking. One bank is Waterloo actually had plastic bugs and fly swatters on tables and customers were ask to smash the plastic bugs. I really don't know how to describe it any other way. Only in Iowa.. So it appears the big media spin is on...

-- y2k dave (, November 19, 1999

Answers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And they think we've lost it. Geeez, swatting plastic bugs. I haven't seen that since the fair night at my old elementary school.

-- squid (, November 19, 1999.


I hope you swatted a teller, or better still, the branch manager.

-- John (, November 19, 1999.


dave -

The GAO says one thing, the Dept. of Commerce portrays the overall situation totally different, the "Year 2000 Symposium" put on by the Government, was the most revealing of all. Yet the media seems to be looking through a completely different pair of glasses. See Brians post about the VA. If you read it thoroughly and do the math, the FDA is skewed so badly, that recognition of the truth is impossible.

My attempt at bean counting, comparing the various totals, yields something close to a 30% failure rate. I do not believe the overall system can effectively remain balanced with a reduction of momentum by a dividend of 3. This would be like adding a lead weight to one spoke on the gyroscope.

I think we will see a progressive sum scenario, in which the wobble will be gradual, until the ability to remain balanced will become so severely affected, our little top will fall over and quit spinning. It will be up to the survivors to restring the gyro, and give it a good hard PULL!!



-- Michael (, November 19, 1999.



Honest? That'll be the day. Atlanta has got Chicago beat for insider deals, cronyism, incompetence, indecision and bafflegab.

-- Tom Carey (, November 19, 1999.


About the FDA--I am only going to say it once.

I have first hand knowledge about the recent surveys on pharmaceuticals and medical devices and supplies. Check out the Year 2000 section under The agency has made a valiant effort in determining the status of these industries and in bugging them until they got the information they wanted. They have gotten a good response, have checked actual documentation, and continue to make contingency plans and work with the industry to verify that what is being said is being done.

I am a total doomer and this is one area that I think the industry is making a sincere effort and may actually stand a chance of succeeding- -if people don't stockpile and if the hospitals and doctors actually do what they are supposed to do.

-- none (, November 19, 1999.

-- (you@know.who), November 20, 1999


Response to ATTENTION: CHUCK and the SYOPS DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS! Proof that they are LYING TO YOU!!

Just a point of clarification you@know.who...

It isn't that the Sysops don't want you to post this information. Posting this information 20+ times is disruptive and not necessary.

Grow up. Play nice.

Your actions are currently not acceptable. I'll try to keep this thread up for responses.

There is NO NEED to post any identical threads.

IF YOU DO SO THEN YOU ARE DISPLAYING DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR and you care nothing about the content of your own post. You care only to created disruption here.

Sysop #4 aka Stealth

-- Sysop #4 (Sysop #4 @ TB2.k), November 20, 1999.

By the way, thanks for numbering your threads. That is very useful, actually.

Sysop #4

-- Sysop #4 (Sysop #4 @, November 20, 1999.


I'll just delete DoomersSucks a.k.a (you@know.who) and a DeBunker regular... on sight. Without even reading his dribble.

I'm P.O.'d royally by it's trolling here.


Nuf' said.


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 20, 1999.

I have no desire whatsoever to get rid of this forum. My beef is the selective censorship and the fact that a high quality institution such as MIT is associated with TB2000. This forum should be operated and financed as a private enterprise and then you can decide what stays and what goes. How can one of the finest educational institutions in the world sanction the kind of extremist viewpoints that show-up on this site? Let the administrators at MIT take a close look at what goes on here and decide for themselves.

-- Truth (at@the.ready), November 20, 1999.

Truth (at@the.ready),

You've been trolling here for a long time too. We've mistakenly tolerated it.

No more.

Got it?

BTW, I can guess what Phil Greenspun will say... "Delete the trolls and tell 'em not to bother me."


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 20, 1999.

ok "Truth",

You're certainly entitled to your opinions and you've been free to suggest them. In fact, you've posted the same identical post several times on various threads.

Please explain to me how it is that your messages remain in a climate of "selective censorship"?

I'll answer that. You aren't disrupting the forum by spamming it with 60+ identical threads.

Can you see the difference?

Sysop #4

Diane, delete what ever you wish. You're the boss : )

-- Sysop #4 (Sysop #4 @, November 20, 1999.

BTW... Truth (at@the.ready),

You've posted that message about 30 times in the past 24 hours.


Diane, leanin' on the delete key


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 20, 1999.

If the sysops feel someone is failing to meet a minimum requirement, then they can delete or do what ever seems appropriate to remedy the situation.

This doesn't bother me in the least !

If I step out of line and get spanked, I won't cry or bellyache.

I'll look at it as an opportunity for improvement and you should too !

-- snooze button (, November 20, 1999.

Go-get-um Dianne. The repeated idiocy of these fecal brained trools is really getting on everyone's nerves. You have been more than patient, but enough is enough!

-- Truly Sick (of, November 20, 1999.


Above, you said this:

"I have no desire whatsoever to get rid of this forum."

On another post, you said this:

"IMO, this forum has evolved into something that the good folks at MIT should consider shutting down."

Why is it so hard for you to get it through your thick head that if you don't like the content of this forum, you are welcome to LEAVE?? This is primarily an adult website, and adults realize that not everything in life is perfect, and not everyone is polite. If we get a new host instead of M.I.T. then what are you going to say to the new host, that they should also get rid of us? Are you going to go around to the whole Internet and try to shut down every site that offends your childish naive mentality? You could spend the rest of your life and never get everyone in the world to live up to your expectations.

There are millions of other sites for you to go play, and maybe even a few where everyone pretends that they live in a perfect little world. I think you would be very happy at this one to start out, and then see where that takes you from there:

flyin@high.again), November 20, 1999.

Sorry about that...

Here it is Truth:

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood


-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), November 20, 1999.

Kosky is lying to us, Clinton is lying to us, The Tobacco Comanies are lying to us, OJ Simpson is lying to us, and now even the Sysops are lying to us? Help, I am tired of being lied to.

-- Butt Nugget (, November 20, 1999.

No Butt,

Just deleting *most* of what DoomerSucks a.k.a. posts here (you@know.who) now.

And that's one truth. Count on it.


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 20, 1999.


You didn't respond to why my post about the City of Atlants was deleted. I was content to post this thread just once, but one of the Sysops decided to delete it on sight and that is whay I decide to post it again and again and again.


-- (you@know.who), November 20, 1999.

Diane you are SUCH a sanctimonious BITCH!!


It's because you and other Sysops "didn't like seeing something being posted by a "Polly"".

You are so full of SHIT it's coming out of my screen.

-- (you@know.who), November 20, 1999.




The answer is emphatically NO!!!

You would be expelled immediately, never to return.

-- snooze button (, November 20, 1999.


Because you have so incredibly ABUSED ANY posting privledges on this forum, I no longer even LOOK at what you post.

Get it?

Just delete it.

This was your choice, troll.

Nuf' said.


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 20, 1999.


I believe that what Truth@theReady is attempting to explain is a common complaint among those who confuse the right of free speech (in the US, at least) with the (perceived, though non-existent) "right" to have said speech funded by public money.

Personally, I believe he has an excellent point, and am awaiting the results of his efforts.

Patient Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, November 20, 1999.

I post under several names here, and I'd like to say that I greatly appreciate the terrific job the men and women do who control this site. Additionally, I appreciate all the serious posters who help keep me informed on what I need to be doing and thinking about...Please keep up the good work!!! May God bless you all.

-- Once a spy, always a spy (U@u.UU), November 20, 1999.

Go ahead you lying BITCH, keep deleting everything I say.

You're only going to make it worse for yourself. The bottom is going to drop out soon and you're going to land squarely on your ass.

-- (you@know.who), November 20, 1999.


Just a wild guess, but maybe it has something to do with peppering your posts with colorful expletives like, "F*ck Y*u" and "Lying Bitch".

Hey I know it's a pretty off the wall idea, but why don't you humor me, and run a little experiment. Try posting without these phrases, and see what happens.

Of course, you'll have to run that experiment somewhere else, since you've already done an outstanding job of wearing out you're welcome, here.

But, really, I'd love to hear how it turns out.

By the way, that's a pretty slick trick - putting one reasonable post among hundreds of "foaming" posts, and then focusing on the one reasonable one. Sounds like veteran troll technique. Been bounced out of a few, have you?

-- Bokonon (, November 20, 1999.

I am the Truth incarnate. The reason why I'm here is because you're lying your ass off. The harder you try to stifle me, the more places I will break through. Just like the little boy trying to stop the dam from busting... you can't be everywhere all the time.

-- (you@know.who), November 20, 1999.


If you only knew what she was up to you'd be mad as a hornet too. I know the truth, and Diane deserves alot worse than a few cuss words.

-- (you@know.who), November 20, 1999. still don't understand.

Go to the road and yell your lungs out.

The first call to the police would be your undoing.

If you yell at the policeman, he will take you to be processed for whatever he feels is appropriate. Such as, disturbing the peace, loitering, being a public nuisance or whatever infraction he believes will stick.

Policemen do not like being yelled at.

Order, not anarchy.

Don't like it. Then learn to adjust.

-- snooze button (, November 20, 1999.

Gee - that's funny.....The liberals at the universities regularly shout down speakers they don't like, deny them engagements, protest and disrupt the engagements that conservative groups did manage to pay for, and (in general) actually do censor the speech they don't "like: " most often, as you do, by beginning in extreme vulgarity and then dropping into obsentities such as dung-throwing and dropping religious artifacts in urine.

But these liberals claim violently and ever-so santimoniously that the conservatives engage in "hate speech" - while doing it themselves. The only ones calling for censorship now are the liberals - while refusing to even consider the rights and priviledges of other's viewpoints.

Why? There is no evidence of censorship here - although periodically, we collectively do wipe off the toilets and vacuum the rugs.....are you perhaps claiming that dirt (or elephant dung) has a right to lay on the floor in plain site?

I saw the thread you mentioned - if you believe the city of Atlanta's officials, you are welcome to that opinion. I disagree with your belief - and see only corruption, greed, class-envy and racial hatred downtown.

I see nothing to trust down there. And I have no evidence presented they are worthy of trust. If they say something, I see no reason to believe it, because they have lied politically repeatedly to get their political views publicized.


Now, where is this so-called censorship - if I saw the thread, read it, and responded - what are you complaining about?

Did you perhaps lose it because you failed to archive it under the correct heading?

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, November 20, 1999.

Bokonon, that's funny!! Thanks...actually, I think drinking more heavily would help make him/her feel a lot more at ease with the world..

-- Psychotic (y2k@doom&, November 20, 1999.

"I am the Truth incarnate," youknowwho said.

Now I understand, you're a satanist and this is your ritual.

It's all clear now.

Up means down. Wrong means right. Hell means Heaven. etc. etc. etc.

-- snooze button (, November 20, 1999.

Robert, it was a post to a thread, not a seperate thread in itself... on the thread "the spin on y2k must be in high gear now", by y2kdave.

They deleted my post because it was optimistic. But they left the pessimistic posts there for everyone to see. Go back and read the thread. You'll see where Tom was responding to me... but there is no post there anymore so it looks disjointed. I also posted that post under the handle Atlanta@ Bump In The Road. So Daine or any other Sysops could never have known who it was. But IT WAS DELETED NONTHELESS.

If that doesn't upset you then you're much further with your head in the sand than I imagined. And to think I thought of you as a reasonable person. Maybe you're just too far drawn into this Doomer nonesense like the rest of the "herd".

Ask yourself Robert... are you ever questiong the motives of this forum? Even a little? There are forces behind the scenes that keep this FEAR, UNCERTAINTY AND DPOUBT pumping out of here at a maximium.

And there IS a reason.

-- (do@you.know who?), November 20, 1999.

do@you.know who? doesn't post with a real e-mail address.

He uses many aliases.

THAT is Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt !!!

-- snooze button (, November 20, 1999.

You Know Who --

I, for one, am a little tired of you abusing one of the sysops. Calling Diane a 'Lying Bitch' is abusive, ignorant, and childish and has no place on a forum such as this.

There are many forums where this sort of behaviour is tolerated, I'd suggest that you go find one. Else, please tone down the verbal abuse.

Failing that, I'd like to suggest that the sysops simply delete anything this individual posts here, whether an original question or an answer.

Diane --

You should not have to take this sort of crap. Just delete everything this individual does. This isn't a question of 'censorship'. It is a question of 'decorum'.

Chuck and the other sysops --

Please do not let this foul-mouthed individual further pervert the forum. Also, the personal attacks against Diane are offensive to me, and probably to many others as well.

-- just another (, November 20, 1999.

YouKnowWho, you have been targetted personaly NOT because of the message, but because you have been TROLLING, as in pissing on this forum's floor. Your behavior is the cyber-equivalent of a dysfunctional 15 year old bully-brat who is not getting his way because he wants everyone to THINK like he does.

Many many poeple have posted good news and still do and they are not deleted because they are not trolling and behave maturely and civily.

The sysops have decided to delete your posts ON SIGHT and I applaud them. You have lost your right to be heard when you've disrupted the flow of discussion on this forum among optimists realists and pessimists, or call them extremists, moderates, polly or doomers, it doesn't matter. No matter where one fits in these categories, EVERYONE has the right to not be spammed and cyber-shoved aside by your behavior.

Good bye!

-- Chris (#$%^&, November 20, 1999.

Who cares if this forum is edited? So what? Just post on another forum. Things have a way of becoming know regardless of editing.

-- Carol (, November 20, 1999.



"pissing on the floor"

Bwaaaaah haaaa haaaa haaa!!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), November 20, 1999.


Fear, uncertainity, and doubt.

Do these trouble you? Do you, yourself, fear the uncertainity, or what the uncertainity protends?

If anybody - in any of 250,000 responses in this forum over the past two years - can be said to emphasize and repeat endlessly the uncertainity of any prediction, it's me. Uncertainity, the different potential for different troubles in different regions, the degree of troubles differing between how each person and each region responds is the hallmark of this upcoming period.

Of the current situation, ALL I have ever been certain of is that nobody knows. That ANY absolute statement - whether from a so-called doomer, or from the equally untrustworthy polly - is the only statement that can be assured to be dead wrong.

The pollies - who try to claim that a single statement from a single administration source MUST be the truth for the entire nation - when that administration has consistently and systematically lied for eight years of campaigning, are burying their head in the toilet.

BUT - your government immediately and deliberately extrapolates from ONE point, one survey, one (unaudited) report, from one simplified test - their position that "everything will be okay" - their entire message is keyed to protecting the banking industry.

Given that Clinton specifically and deliberately lied for a year about lesser things to keep himself in office, knowing that he was deliberately lying about actual events - not merely making predictions about uncertain future events - smearing and defaming people who only spoke the truth - you claim that the adminstration's conclusions are the ONLY thing that shoudl be listened to?

The extreme doomers - like he who endlessly repeats "Y2K cannot be fixed" might be wrong too - the problem can be (more properly - could have been minimized with enough time, money, and effort) fixed adequately to avoid breakdowns. But it wasn't fixed. Not enough has apparently been spent. Not enough testing has been done - doesn't that trouble you more than the uncertainity of the event itself?

Why are you sure this will be a non-event? What evidence do you have - OTHER THAN THE SELF_SERVING STATEMENTS FROM POLITICIANS THEMSELVES - that these politicians have eliminated the problems? Since these same self-serving politicians and their staffs have lied about every political event the Democrats have begun in the past 8 years, what gives you the ability to decide that - ON THIS ISSUE - they are suddenly right?

Given that these self-serving politicians have NEVER been right about ANY political or economic policy, law, or practice they have inititated - from the tax issues, to welfare reform, to 100,000 cops, to midnight basketball, to the War in Bosnia, Hatii, Russia, South America, Panama, Red China, Tawian, Japan, Mexico, etc - what gives you the ability to suddenly decide that they are right in this issue?

Why are these politicians so suddenly credible in your eyes that you deny others to hear a contrary view? Surely, by deliberately disrupting this discussion you're not pretending to actually be encouraging or enabling free speech? ..... Except I forget - liberals, socialists, communistis, and national socialists always deny free speech to those who disagree with their views. Because they cannot compete in the world of logic and fairness. They can only survive by denying freedoms to others.


BUT - why the extreme hatred? Why does an otherwise sane person like CPR go so absurdly hate-filled and religiously intolerant when he sees some simply advise precautions against uncertainity? Is he (you?) incapable of understanding that risks cannot be removed and we need to be self-reliant to avoid potential trobules?

What another person does with their own money, time, and talent should not matter to you - or are you denying the "freedom" of action you so readily claim was violated here in your zeal to prevent and disrupt others from hearing a contrary word?

A new person coming here deserves the right to hear opinions and information about potential year 2000-related events. You have no right to polute the "air" here with your hatred and intolerance for other opinions.

Removing a baby's dirty diaper from the floor of a public museum is not removing the parent's right to free speech. But all the supposed liberals claims that I have to fund "art" that wpies dung over a picture of a the name of free speech. Yet they claim that "hate speech" is on any subject they disagree with.....

By that arguement, the liberals have removed themselves from any polite discussion involving logic. Their thoughts - like the dirty diaper - need to be cleaned to become useful. Doesn't mean the diaper is at fault - it did what it was supposed to do - entrap waste so the baby can be taken in to public.

By your specific, direct threat to deliberately continue "disrupting" the otherwise sane and pertanent discussion by spamming endlessly your threads, you too have removed yourself from any "right" to the discussion at hand.

Why? Because you denied yourself the privledge of acting responsibly.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, November 20, 1999.

Hey Diane,

Nail 'em.

regards, gene

-- gene (, November 20, 1999.

Mr. Cook,

For the record, I think your stereotypical categorizations that "liberals do this" and "liberals do that" are prejudiced and unjustified. In my view, by continuing to do this, you are merely verifying the fact that you are a narrow-minded bigot.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), November 20, 1999.

Mr. Cook,

Can you say Haldeman, Erlichman, Mitchell and Dean? Can you say Oliver North? Iran contra. Arms for hostages? Watergate.

Agree that the present administration sucks, but you are the the pot calling the kettle black.

Read my lips.... NO NEW TAXES. Newt Gingrich screwing a page while at the same time trashing Clinton. Speaker Livington with multiple affairs.... and so it goes.

-- (, November 20, 1999.

All those who you quite properly mention were investigated by the press, criminally prosecuted, and punished (some say hounded from office) and vilified. Demonized for years......

I did not defend them, nor indicate their actions were morally correct, nor did I indicate that their actions were defensible. I did not excuse their actions, I did not indicate at any time their actions were relevent.

Their actions are NOT relevent - because they are not in power nor relevent to this situation. In fact, it can be said that they were removed from high office on the basis of corruption and moral incompetence ( in the case of the FORMER speaker and the FORMER speaker-nominee - can you possibly think they are in power now - they were removed specifically BECAUSE these scandals came up...


BUT - the press (you, the Washington culture) are ignoring the plank in the eye of the Clintons' administration specifically because you want to further their agenda and to promte their political intentions and policies....

Are you trying to argue "All politicians of one party are criminal because one in that party was found to be corrupt - therefore my politician is good because he/she is merely equally evil or corrupt?" You can't - because the level of corruption in this administration is both of immense and never seen levels before, and is well protected by the national press and the powers-that-be in Washington.

Further, the performance (or "prevented" performance of corruption in the Nixon adminstration is irrelevent to the current evil (loss of freedom, loss of liberties, loss of free speech) that has already been attempted - and succeeded - by the Clintons' administration.

Nixon made an enemies list, the Clintons' got a 300 page book issued at taxpayer expense targetting their enemies. Nixon tried to get the IRS to punish those he hated; the Clintons' actually demanded the IRS/FBI/INS/ATF investigate, intimidate and audit and attack their enemies.

There was ONE FBI file misused in the Nixon era - the Clintons have systematically used the information from over 1000 FBI files - ALL of Republican and conservatives - to manipulate the truth and present their lies; plus the unknown blackmail and extorsion we don't know of.

North lied? Yes. Did I defend him? No. There have been over 500 federal witnesses who deliberately concealed information, plead the fifth, left the country, or whose entire testimony was "I don't remember" to the same Congress concerning the Chinese/Indonesian DEMOCRATIC bribery investigation.

Over 1000 times witnesses, including Hillary, said "I don't remember" eith respect to Whitewater alone: yet many wrote books later in great detail of their entire White House years. Yet Clinton lies - again - and falsely claims McDougal was pressured to lie about him. All she had to do was answer a question truthfully - and yet she refused; yet he lies about even her refusal to admit the truth.


Watergate was a sad issue, but the crooks were not covered up by a compliant press corps - eager to hide the evidence and publicize known lies. AND then print glowing reports admitting they were lied to, and how skilful the lie was presented.


I am no bigot - I do feel that the hypocrisy now lies on the liberal side; if not entirely, it is not excused by 2% of the errors that the conservatives commit. Or do you know of ANY errors committed by the Republicans or conservatives NOT covered, not investigated, and not repeated brought back up by the media? It more appears to me tha tthe media demands repeatedly to bring up even discredited and false stories simply becasue they ARE about Republicans.....while deliberately hiding stories that show the errors and corruption of the Democrats.


Back to Y2K issues - since I hope to have shown that the media and the Democratic politicians - with respect to national issues that would tend to hurt the Democrats - deliberately lie and distort and refuse to investigate or publish the truth about Democratics/liberals in hundreds of specific cases regarding KNOWN political corruption - can anybody tell why I should blindly trust them with respect to national issues on y2k that would implicate Democratic lies, errors, misstatements or simply "bad assumptions" about local, regional, or national governments?

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, November 20, 1999.


I take the threats made against you here by the troll as a direct threat on your person by stating " I know the truth, and Diane deserves alot worse than a few cuss words. "

I for one would not stand for that, period. I suggest deleting ON SIGHT ANY AND ALL POSTS MADE BY you@know.who or any alias it adopts, Andy Ray and any other malignant troll that is attacking this board for only one purpose. Don't justify each delete to them JUST DO IT. Ban these twerps! You have my full support in doing so and myriad other long-time forum regulars here.

I also suggest filing charges if this asshole doesn't cease and desist making veiled threats on you.

No more talking with these asswipes. Just erase and ban them, period.

I'll stand with you all the way. It's time this was done. These threats they're making to cause havoc on this board if they don't get their way should be acted on immediately by any and all means necessary.

They want a war, well let's just shut down their ability to wage it on this forum. They can lob all the crap they like at us from over on DeBunkies.

Don't tread on us, trolls.

-- INVAR (, November 20, 1999.

I'm with INVAR. Just delete them all and be done with it. Nobody wants to hear their polly drivel. You're doing great so far, Diane. Keep it up!!

-- (, November 20, 1999.

Normally, INVAR and I do not agree as he is much too far right of center for me. God help me, I do agree with him this time. With only 41 or so days left till rollover, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE IF THE POLLIES GET MAD???? It's obvious that YKW, YPro and the others of that ilk seek only to disrupt the forum and prevent the speaking of (somewhat) like minds. I don't see Flint or the other more rational (?) pollies being deleted. Just the ones that obviously intend to totally disrupt the forum. Even Maria hasn't stooped as low as this disgusting little troll.

Again, this is a public access forum. Please don't let individuals like YKW turn it into a pubic access.

-- Lobo (, November 20, 1999.

I agree with INVAR, we've all had enough of the trolling that comes here from DeBunky... just cut 'em off here and let them go back crying to their fellow DeBunkers... all 4 of them

-- Forum Regular (Here@y2k.comx), November 21, 1999.

I love it. A bunch of messages from mostly anonymous and/or non-existent e-mail addresses complaining about posts from other anonymous and/or non-existent e-mail addresses. I contend there is no such thing as a troll on this board.

"I post under several names here, and I'd like to say that I greatly appreciate the terrific job the men and women do who control this site. Additionally, I appreciate all the serious posters who help keep me informed on what I need to be doing and thinking about...Please keep up the good work!!! May God bless you all.

-- Once a spy, always a spy (U@u.UU), November 20, 1999."

-- let everyone be heard and get on with it (40days@nd.counting), November 21, 1999.

"New to the forum? Year 2000 resources, sites and links for research"

-- Linkmeister (, November 21, 1999.

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