Food storage items : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Do you need a great source for last minute food storage purchases? I found one and it's the greatest! At you can still get bulk organic whole grains, sprouting seeds, powdered butter and cheese and Food Mills at really super prices. They delivered my stuff REALLY fast and offered great personal services. Also they have all products on their website in stock and expect to up to Y2K. If you go to their website, it's like an information superstore on the products and storage, etc. and I found their quality to be the best! I'm using them as a Christmas present source. They're great.

-- Janara Bloom (, November 21, 1999


I've driven out to Gary's place and met his wife, seen his operation, etc. He is very consciencous and his facilities are spic and span. I've purchased items from him and heartily recommend him.

-- Ken Seger (, November 21, 1999.

I also have ordered from the Hansen farm, and was quite satisfied with the quality, price, and promptness of delivery. I would recommend them.

-- jeanne (, November 22, 1999.

I just returned an hour ago from the local ABF terminal with my latest addition to the stash. VERY prompt and friendly service from Gary. I only wish the trucking company warehouse guy didn't pierce a bag of oats in front of me with his forktruck.

I'm very satisfied, especially with the canned meats. We'll be eating a can this weekend.

The shipment obviously left Pleasant Hill well packaged and clearly marked. I wish I knew about these about 1000 lbs ago!!

-- Brian Tanguay (, November 24, 1999.

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