I need help with panoramas!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a CP950 and would like to create panoramas 360x360 in which you can see from floor to ceiling.I would like them to come out clear. Can anyone teach me how to do this and what exras I will need for my Coolpix.

Thanks in advance!

-- Greg Saunders (gwsaunders@earthlink.net), November 24, 1999


You jest surely?

-- Astonished (B.MUSED@AOL.NET), November 26, 1999.

Do you mean you want to take a spherical image? What exactly do you want to end up with and how do you intend to use it?

-- Peter Damo (pdamo@acay.com.au), November 28, 1999.

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