loose Omega D2 lensboard

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just set up a nice old Omega D2 enlarger, and everything seems fine but for one detail. When I mount the lens board in the lens stage, it is secure enough to stay up in the lens stage (good) but is loose enough that I have to hold the lens with two hands to turn the apeture ring. If I don't, the whole lens board turns (bad).

I'm wondering if I might be able to shim something up there to get a better fit? Or is something really off?

Hopefully I'll be able to make a test print tomorrow to check things out. Thanks.

-- Pete su (psu@esgear.com), November 29, 1999


Are you talking about the mounting at the end of the bellows or where the small circular lens board attaches to the cone? If at the end of the bellows, I believe there are flat springs inside the housings that may need to be reformed. If on the cone, aren't there two set screws that need to be tightened down? You might go over all the various lock screws and make sure they are not stripped in the soft aluminium.

-- Tony Brent (ajbrent@mich.com), November 30, 1999.

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