Storage containers at walmart : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Several threads have questioned the presense of numerous storage containers at Walmart stores throughout the country. I too have saw these containers at a Walmart in northern Idaho. I can't recall having seen them in previous years. Anyway, I questioned a floor manager about the purpose of the containers; telling her I had heard they were a precaution on walmarts part for possible supply line disruptions in the new year. She indicated they were filled with Christmas stock only. She also claimed they do this every year for Christmas; at least in the last five years she has been with the company.

-- Rob Carroll (, December 04, 1999


There are 8 large steel freight storage containers in front of our local wal-mart and they have a For Rent sign on them..$ 60 dollars per month plus set up and delivery fee

-- don (, December 04, 1999.

Mr. Carrol,

Sir I have some stock in a bridge comoany I'd like to sell you.

In our city of 87,000 we have two Walmarts. The super Walmart ha 41 borx tractr trailors loaded and parked. on the parkinglot, some of them impeding customers' enteence in to the exits for one side of the parking lot.

And apparently we have a lttle more honest peope working for them here also ( when they have gens and fuel anks being pulled in)(it is hard to keep a straight face and say christmas merchandice. Not to mention--the box trailors all have signs on their back doors saying no mercandice-fixures only).


-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), December 04, 1999.

Drove through the back lot of the Wal-Mart in Ashtabula, Oh. I counted 20 of these containers, all painted a pastel green. The only signs on them reffered to the company that owned them, and that they were for ground storage. They appear to be leased.

At the Ashtabula Mall next door is a Big KMart, they only had three. They were identical to the ones at Wal-Mart. Jo-Ann fabrics also had one.

No theories here, but extra Christmas storage, POSSIBLE but I dought it. Lay-Aways? No dice.


-- Dave (, December 04, 1999.

This is a silly thread, and I am embarrassed to post in it, but here I go anyway, dang-it. I have no idea why the "WallyWorld Conspiracy" continues, despite a lack of photos submitted that were reportedly obtained (GN saga). Obviously one store mgr reports he ordered extra food stuffs as a personal decision, but others just have the Xmas consumables. No proof that it is a company effort, but instead the prior post of the testimony of that one store mgr clearly demonstrated that he ordered extras of his own accord.

-- Hokie (, December 04, 1999.

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