New Categories On TBY2K... Any More Suggestions? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

Added some new categories, per request, on the Forum...

 WTO/World Trade Organization/Protesters/Seattle (New)

 Oil Refinery/Gas Pipeline/Related Industries (New)

 Chemtrails/Contrails/Strange Sightings (New)

Are there any other topics that should be added?


Sysops, could use help in reassigning key threads. And Moderators, if you identify the URL of a thread key needing reassignment, that would help too.



-- Anonymous, December 04, 1999


Thanks, Diane.
Hey, look at your window @ 8/a mornings -- when you see 'em you'll know the strangest feeling ...

-- Anonymous, December 04, 1999

Don't know what "they" are. Just all over the place... and when you guys saw 'em... well... "something's" clearly happening.

Last spring I think Michael Taylor saw 'em over L.A., as I recall.


-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999

Oh yeah... I've seen them here quiet often. Also, jet's flying at high altitude in strange flight patterns. Since LA has it's share of defense contractors I figure some are flyovers for show. But the contrails in criss cross patterns that don't evaporate but actually spread out and become clouds in what was a clear, cloudless sky are interesting :-)



-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999

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