One of the biggest deceptions-- : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Article in Wall Street Transcripts--by D. Paul Cohen, Dec 3, and suppose to be in the Investing Strategies section. Slams y2k reporting by business. Cannot access the article. Why didn't Wall Street respond? Should have in a big way---sorry if this has been commented on--can't see that it was. Could someone provide a working link? Can't find one at all. THanks much--am an absolute dolt when it comes to computors.

-- John Q (, December 05, 1999



-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), December 05, 1999.

Thanks I'm---must have been asleep at the switch. sigh

-- John Q (, December 05, 1999.

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