The IBM Microdrive and Nikon : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
Does anyone have any experience with the Nikon D1 and the IBM Microdive? I've read speculation about the microdrive's use in the D1, but haven't read anything from anyone who has actually tried it. The microdrive seems like a better deal if it fits the camera and doesn't have any performance issues. Any advice is appreciated.-Nate
-- Nate Billings (, December 06, 1999
Well, I have both and can tell you that there is absolutely no problem in using the IBM microdrive in a Nikon D1. It's quite nice to be able to store 340MB (close to 2000 images in basic JPEG format) on the D1.The microdrive consumes a bit more energy than flash cards (although IMHO this comes down to almost nothing compared to LCD screen usage on a D1) and is equivalent in reading/writing speed.
If price is the most important factor for you, get the microdrive (it's roughly half the price of comparable flash cards)...
Cheers, Gerhard
-- Gerhard Strobl (, December 27, 1999.