Response to CANADIANS Y2K on the CBC National 10:00 : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

"If one can convince "authorities" it is being kept "for medicinal purposes," it just might be salvageable. You folks in B.C. are pro's at that kind of logic, aren't you? :)"

ROTFLMAO!!! Can't imagine what you are talking about *VBG*

Oh and even tequila will freeze (at least the water) if it is cold enough.

22 min. had a spoof about the US and it was to funny :o) That is all, you could imagine though. One of the bits was about asking US folk how they feel about the russians invading Saskashrub, and whether it was ethical for Canadians to continue putting the elderly on ice flows to die. Also that our rollover was feb 30th because we are metric.

One of the members of 22 min was at Columbia university (US) asking the students and facalty about these issues. No one thought it was odd.

Sometimes you have to wonder about "higher" education.

-- Brian (, December 07, 1999

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