Sounds Like A Fairy Tale To Me : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

I just received a call from my frantic sister-in-law who said that she heard a report on CNN last night that had CommEd officials stating that they were not compliant and that the contigency plans for Chicago included the National Guard. I REALLY find this hard to believe (not that I find it untrue - just hard to believe that CommEd would "fess up"), but I told her that I woudl ask around and see if anyone else saw this amazing report.

Boy, the stories are getting better and better every day.

Take care - y'all.


-- Anonymous, December 08, 1999


Terri - I find this VERY hard to believe (that the company would fess up publicly on CNN) - perhaps the S-I-L misunderstood the report or its source. Mayor Daley would be going nuts.


-- Anonymous, December 08, 1999

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