Youth Minister Network? : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Is there any kind of forum or network of Christian Church Youth Minister(s)/Youth Ministries? This site and the concept is awesome and I enjoy reading the insights. However, I don't see many posts concerning Youth Ministry....anyone out there in Youth Ministry?

I know I am guilty of doing a lot of reading on this site but not posting a reply or answer. I have replied to people by e-mail so feel free to e-mail me if you do not want to post a reply.

It'd be nice to chat and discuss issues with some fellow youth workers.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 1999


hey Jason, you asked the question that is on my mind. i'm the youth evangelist in turlock ca, at sunrise christian church, laboring with brother Jack (jcevang). i would love the opportunity to discuss things specific to youth work. hey duane, are you ready to expand the ministry?

-- Anonymous, December 14, 1999

I think there are several youth ministers interested in networking, and I know I am one of them. Several of us here in east TN have done some experimenting, and it's worked better for some than others but overall been a great experience. I would love to be part of a nationwide network. John Pryor, youth minister at Morrison Hill Christian Church in Kingston, TN for nearly 9 years now.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2000

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