World Atomic Safety Holiday! - Find out how to participate : LUSENET : NeighborLink : One Thread

Dear Oakland 2001 list members,

I've been away from my e-mail for a few days, so I apologize for not having sent this out earlier. I just received this e-mail and spent all of 5 minutes calling the president, the senate subcommitte, and the president's council listed below, in support of the WASH (World Atomic Safety Holiday) campaign. It was very simple and easy to do, and every call counts!!

Even if you receive this message after today, I'd like to encourage you to call in anyways. After all, the need will be present until all responsible precautions are indeed taken. So, please take 5 minutes of your time to make three phone calls.

With all best wishes,

Rosa Oakland 2001

From: Wendy Tanowitz Subject: Y2K Safety Holiday

Y 2 K W O R L D A T O M I C S A F E T Y H O L I D A Y

website: hotline: 415-789-8032


Dear All who are concerned about the safety of our planet,

How you react to this e-mail can really make a difference to the safety of this planet on Dec 31 and beyond. Please distribute this as far and wide as you can (and pardon any duplicates of this message you may receive).



President Bill Clinton: (tel) 202-456-1111, (fax) 202-456-2461

John Koskinen, President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion: (tel) 202-456-7171 (fax) 202-456-7172

Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT) & Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem: (tel) 202-224-5224

If you can do more, phone your own Representatives and Senators (they are home in their districts now - numbers are in your phone book), tell them how you feel and ask them to call the White House too. And by all means, be creative!

SAMPLE LETTER -------------

Dear President Clinton,

We respectfully request that you issue an executive order to:

1) Temporarily shut down all U.S. nuclear reactors in a phased procedure to be completed by no later than noon, December 30th; and allow a phased restart after January 1st only when normal functions of electrical transmission, communications and water systems have been restored and validated, and nuclear plants have been independently verified Y2K compliant;

2) Ensure that there are reliable backup generators and sixty days' fuel supplies for reactor cooling systems and other nuclear facilities that rely on cooling, particularly for ALL spent fuel pools;

3) Close all other nuclear facilities and suspend nuclear shipments for the New Year's weekend;

4) Protect communities by practicing emergency drills;

5) Provide government subsidies for the cost of backup generators and fuel and for nuclear workers' lost pay and utilities' lost revenues during the temporary shutdown;

6) De-alert nuclear weapons systems and implement trust-building measures among nuclear nations;

7) Renew these measures for February 29, 2000 and December 31, 2000-January 1, 2001; and

8) Encourage other world leaders to undertake these initiatives as a joint international effort so that the financial status of a nation is not an impediment to a WORLD ATOMIC SAFETY HOLIDAY.





The October accident at the nuclear processing plant in Tokaimura, Japan, is a reminder of the destructive power of radioactive technology. The result of simple human error and lax regulationboth part of the Y2K mixit could foreshadow nuclear accidents which may occur less than 25 days from nowunless we act now to prevent catastrophe.

Computer malfunctions may confuse operators with faulty data. ------------------------------------------------------------ A Y2K test in February, 1999 at the Peach Bottom reactor in Pennsylvania caused a day-long crash of the plant's primary and backup monitoring computers. With blank screens, operators could not view conditions inside the reactor. Could this be an ominous preview of conditions at nuclear reactors all over the world because of the Year 2000 computer bug (Y2K)? Lets remember that it was bad data, human error and lax regulations which triggered disasters at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Tokaimura.

The cooling systems of nuclear power plants need constant power for FIVE YEARS, even after the plants have been shut down! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Without constant cooling, a reactor core can melt within two hours. U.S. government reports admit that Y2K-related electricity grid failures are a possibility, especially in rural areas. While most reactors have two diesel generators to provide backup power in case the electric grid fails, their reliability record is poor: 48% have reported problems since January 1999and they stock only 7 days' fuel. A reactor core can melt down within two hours of loss of coolant.

Many U.S. spent (used) fuel pools have no backup generators. ------------------------------------------------------------ Spent fuel pools contain 3-5 times more radioactive fuel than reactors. The fuel gradually cools, but refueling scheduled by 22 reactors this fall will add intensely hot fuel rods to their storage pools. In the absence of power for pumping water, these pools could boil in 24 hours and the fuel rods could begin to melt.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is not protecting the public. -------------------------------------------------------------------- It's protecting short-term nuclear industry profits instead. Congress' General Accounting Office (GAO) says: "NRC's not define, for either a licensee or the public, the conditions necessary for a plant's safety" in Y2K. The NRC allowed the industry to self-report readiness, with no independent verificationand plans to suspend nuclear safety requirements for the New Year in order to keep reactors running!

Nuclear power is not needed at New Year's. ----------------------------------------- Electricity use is down nearly 50% in winter, so the energy provided by nuclear power will not be needed. Nuclear plants should shut down to protect the public, like other hazardous industries. Five major pipeline companies  including Arco, Explorer and Colonial  have said they'll be turning off their pipelines prior to and during the rollover. And four chemical companies  Rhone-Poulenc, DuPont, Monsanto and Ashland Chemical  have said they will idle some North American plants prior to 1/1/2000.

The bug's in the bomb, too. --------------------------- The British American Security Information Council reports the possibility that the nuclear weapons states "will experience faulty or blocked communications, erroneous early-warning readings, [and] blacked-out computer screens" from Y2K, resulting in explosions or accidental launch of nuclear missiles. (

The Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday Campaign calls for:

7 Stand by for rollover: shut down nuclear reactors and nuclear processing facilities

7 Beef up the backup: have a 60-day supply of fuel available to all reactor sites

7 De-alert and de-couple nuclear weapons: take nuclear weapons off "launch on warning" status; de-couple weapons from launchers.

============================================================================== At only 25 days from the Y2K rollover, the largest, oldest, and potentially least-Y2K-compliant computer systems in the world are still those that control the 2,000 US warheads and the 3,600 Russian warheads that are kept on 24-hour-a-day hair-trigger alert.

A resolution passed by the European Parliament on Thursday, November 18 has called for nuclear weapons power to take weapons off "launch on warning" status (de-alert them). Instead, they need to be on a status where it would take several days to launch.

The European Parliament also called for the temporary shutdown of all commercial nuclear reactors and environmentally-sensitive plants not able to verifiably demonstrate their complete Y2K compliance and for 60 days fuel supply for backup generators.

Also, Congressman Ed Markey has introduced a bill to de-alert nuclear weapons in the U.S. House of Representatives, which currently has more than 70 co-signers.

The Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday invites you to join in an international call-in/write-in week to let our leaders know that we want to have a safe New Yearone free from nuclear accidents.

-- Daren Henderson (, December 15, 1999

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