Y2K Bug bites early in Iowa

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Y2K Bug Bites Early in Iowa City The Associated Press Saturday, Dec. 18, 1999; 8:13 p.m. EST

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa  The city's going to bill you like it's 1899.

The Y2K bug found its way into water bills delivered Thursday to about 3,600 customers in West Des Moines. Instead of saying payment is due by Jan. 3, 2000, the bills say there will be an extra charge for payments made after Jan. 3, 1900.

"This is a fairly small item that doesn't have anything to do with the delivery of water," said Larry Anderson, general manager of the West Des Moines Water Works. "But it shook people's confidence with us."

Anderson said the error occurred because some billing computer software interpreted the "00" entered by an employee as 1900, rather than 2000.

Dollar amounts are correct on the bills, but Anderson said the city is mailing new statements to customers at the expense of a computer consultant hired to help with Y2K preparations.

Despite the billing mix-up, Anderson said customers shouldn't worry about the water supply when the new year arrives.

"We have standby power for the plant and we've bought new control equipment," he said. "They can be assured that the water is going to flow

Y2K Bug Bites Early in Iowa City The Associated Press Saturday, Dec. 18, 1999; 8:13 p.m. EST

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa  The city's going to bill you like it's 1899.

The Y2K bug found its way into water bills delivered Thursday to about 3,600 customers in West Des Moines. Instead of saying payment is due by Jan. 3, 2000, the bills say there will be an extra charge for payments made after Jan. 3, 1900.

"This is a fairly small item that doesn't have anything to do with the delivery of water," said Larry Anderson, general manager of the West Des Moines Water Works. "But it shook people's confidence with us."

Anderson said the error occurred because some billing computer software interpreted the "00" entered by an employee as 1900, rather than 2000.

Dollar amounts are correct on the bills, but Anderson said the city is mailing new statements to customers at the expense of a computer consultant hired to help with Y2K preparations.

Despite the billing mix-up, Anderson said customers shouldn't worry about the water supply when the new year arrives.

"We have standby power for the plant and we've bought new control equipment," he said. "They can be assured that the water is going to flow

-- LOON (blooney10@aol.com), December 18, 1999


A neat little snafu in my community newpaper today. Headline refered to the possibility of "tying up" the nations phone system if everyone picks up at midnight to check for active service. It cautioned that you shouldn't conduct this check on "1/1/2006". I had to laugh. Media maniacs...

-- Rob (maxovrdrv51@hotmail.com), December 18, 1999.

"the city is mailing new statements to customers at the expense of a computer consultant hired to help with Y2K preparations."

The liability blame game is already starting. Imagine the lawsuits coming against consultants that were hired by Fortune 500 companies if everything isn't fixed to their satisfaction.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 19, 1999.

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