Don't Risk Food Poisoning : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

I don't read this forum as offten as TB 2000 Top Level, so I realize this may have been addressed before, but feel it is worth repeating as we get closer to the rollover.

If anyone is without power for a significant time, and the food you have prepared is not refrigerated properly, you run the risk of food poisoning if you consume it. It is better to throw it out and err on the side of caution than to risk illness.....probably affecting the entire family. If lack of refrigeration is a continuing problem, prepare only enough to be eaten at that meal, and open cans only large enough to be eaten completely. Yes, it will take more effort and fuel to prepare a small pot of beans (or other food item)several times than to prepare a huge pot once, but..... the risk isn't worth it. You may want to reduce your mealtimes to twice a day to save on prep time and fuel. Be smart and stay safe .....

-- Kenin Marble (, December 19, 1999


Make sure you have enough plastic sealable containers/bags, glass jars w/lids, etc. - If you seal up food quickly, while still hot you minimize the contamination of the food. Plan ahead on creating a shaded, secure (preferably in the ground) "cool box" and you should be safe holding some foods over until the next morning for breakfast. If you live where it is too warm to do this then you probably can use a solar oven most days and don't need to conserve cooking "fuel" - the sun works great!

-- Kristi (, December 19, 1999.

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