GAO says D.C. mismanged computers (computer payroll) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


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GAO says D.C. mismanaged computers WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 20  The payroll problems caused by D.C.s new computer system were caused by bad planning and mismanagement according to the General Accounting Office. The federal watchdog agency says the computer system has suffered years-long delays, in part, because District officials did not prepare adequate plans to purchase, install and maintain the equipment.

At one point, District teachers and firefighters were not paid because of problems with the $13 million computer system that is supposed to track personnel and payroll records for city employees. The GAO report is especially critical of the citys lack of planning to maintain, operate and protect the personnel system once it is fully implemented. The Districts Chief Financial Officer, Valerie Holt, is not disputing the need for better management of the system. She says a new project manager has been hired to establish a plan covering the operation, maintenance and security issues the GAO has raised.

-- Homer Beanfang (, December 20, 1999

Answers,1575,SAV-9912200055, 00.html

Y2k bug could hit old computers at district 165

-- Homer Beanfang (, December 20, 1999.

Heard on the radio...The Mayor wanted to give the bozos working for the city a bonus from their Tobacco Settlement.. Where do they find these peices of caca to work in Gubmint?

-- done deal (, December 20, 1999.

Don't forget the rats the size of cats in DC!

-- no garbage pickup? (infestation@grow.bigger), December 20, 1999.

That was probably an easy GAO report to write!

-- Mad Monk (, December 20, 1999.

GREAT NEWS! The mayor of DeeCee announced today that the city's computers are 100% Y2K compliant!


-- cory (, December 20, 1999.

I saw that on the news too, Cory. Just another miracle.

-- ghost (fading into, December 20, 1999.

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