GICC Draft Press Release: Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) To Track Community Impact Of Y2K : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

Well it started with, TimeBomb 2000 is going to create a Y2K Rollover Watch side-forum, and Steve Davis wanting to work cooperatively, and is ending with this.

What in essence will be a parallel forum to TBY2K.

Im setting it up, and I told them I dont need to be mentioned in the Press Release, but... oh well.


Will revist "our" TBY2K plans on Sunday.

Happy Holidaze!


See other Mod Forum thread...

TBY2K Time Zone Watch... Ideas?

-- Anonymous, December 23, 1999


From: "Steve Davis" < >
To: [snip] (i.e. GICC Group)
Subject: RE: Third draft of press release.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 08:46:33 -0500

Here is a version incorporating everyone's comments a little more wordsmithing.

I plan to post this on the coalition site with the links operative. For paper versions I have included the actual URLs.

One last review and comment if you have time.







Steve Davis, Coalition 2000 and DavisLogic, Inc., Columbia, Maryland < br> Phone: 410.730.5677, cell: 301.346.8623, e-mail:

Jen Bunker, Governors Coalition for Y2K Preparedness, and State line at the Joint Information Center (JIC), State of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. < br> Phone: 801-334-6490, cell: 801-540-2022, e-mail:


Anticipating that getting details on Y2K impacts will be difficult, a grassroots effort has formed to collect and provide fast and accurate information on Y2K impacts at the community level. The Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) announced today that they will be providing a unique Y2K information resource as a trustworthy adjunct and grassroots alternative to government and industry information sharing efforts. GICC will provide a forum where volunteers will "follow the sun" on New Years Eve and afterwards to provide late-breaking news of Y2K-related events. GICC moderators will verify reports and catalogue them along with daily analysis and suggested action agendas. This is expected to provide a truly unique information source as well as a public history of how the Y2K event unfolds at the community level.

Because the continuing impacts of Y2K are expected to continue weeks and months after New Year's, the site will be operative as long as there is need.

GICC has its origins in the efforts of the State of Utah ( and Coalition 2000 ( Coalition participant Jennifer Bunker is a member of the Utahs Governors Coalition for Y2K Preparedness, and initially suggested using the Joint Information Centers automated Internet data collection web site to collect the communitys perspective of Y2K events as they occurred. This suggestion quickly grew to a grassroots initiative to monitor the crossover period not only locally but nationally and internationally as a way to both understand events as they unfold and as a means to help in recovery efforts. Founders of the GICC felt that such a site could counter misinformation, as well as provide a viable alternative to other information sources.

In a truly democratic process, the project provides a participatory, open space where anyone can post news updates. This open forum will be available to the public but this information will subsequently be independently verified, analyzed for trends, and posted at a moderated forum. Topics are arranged by subject category, and sorted by date. The site, located at provides for threaded discussions of each incident.

No one owns GICC. Rather, it's autonomous, widespread, self- organizing, and "chaordic," cutting across traditional lines of generational and political affiliation, and is on the cutting edge of the kind of grass roots civic initiatives changing the face of contemporary society.

Only a little more than a week old, its history is as follows. Seeing the need for keeping the public informed and vigilant, Jennifer Bunker of the Utah Governors Y2K Coalition, teamed up with Coalition 2000 founder Steve Davis and 20 other individuals to build the system and combine resources of many Y2K community action groups nationwide. National eyes will be directed at the Utah Center, where Senator Robert Bennett (R Utah) will be watching the world as the millenium ticks over.

Timebomb 2000 System Operator (SYSOP) Diane Squire brought the essential SYSOP expertise to the group. Based on here experience with the Timebomb forum she was quickly able to establish the necessary web-based sites using Philip Greenspuns LUSENET software.

At the same time, the nascent GICC reached out to the Center for Y2K and Society, who've targeted vulnerable and marginalized segments of our society, and have begun their own Y2K newswatch. The Center picked up the project's torch and are carrying it to America's nonprofit Sector.

Through the publicity efforts of Coalition 2000 and others, plus consultation by co-founder Gary Gach, of the Foundation for American Communications (, GICC also began commanding media attention, already interested in the Utah project due to the involvement of Sen. Bennett.

GICC's project overview is located at Additional Y2K watch sites can be found at watch.htm. GICC co-founders and participating members hail from all across the country.

For more information, please contact Steve Davis at 410.730.5677 or Jennifer Bunker at 801-334-6490.


-- Anonymous, December 23, 1999

Naturally, since it involves Steve Davis, Koffinsky's lackey, it's gonna be heavily moderated and "approved" and image-conscious. Never woulda flown anyway.

TB2K of course will still be THE place to watch and report :-)
Assuming the Internet is up, which is assuming a whole lot.
Y2K will not go Infomagic if the Net is still up and ppl are posting to BBs.

Some things are evident beforehand ...

So many efforts to divert participation on TB2K and splinter off -- people are rushed and want to click just one place to get info ...

Fragmentation leads to dilution.

-- Anonymous, December 24, 1999

See details...


-- Anonymous, December 27, 1999

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