Underexposure with built-in flash (C2000Z)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
The built-in flash in my Olympus C2000Z seems to give me underexposed pictures in all modes (P,A,S). I tried adjusting the EV-settings and waiting a long while for the flash to recharge. A dark background gives the same problem. Has anybody else seen this behavior for C2000Z?--martti
-- Martti (Dr.M@mindless.com), December 25, 1999
I don't use flash a lot, but I don't think I've seen this problem on mine. - I assume you're shooting within the specified range? (Something like 8-10 feet max.)
-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), December 30, 1999.
Try to set the "slow" to 1 or 2, this helped somewhat to me
-- Zsolt Magyar (zmagyar@ri.tel.hr), January 07, 2000.
Got my camera replaced at the store that sold it. It turned out that the flash was not synchronizing with the shutter. Also for the red eye prevention mode there was only one flash, not the "machine-gun" pre-flashes.
-- Martti (Dr.M@mindless.com), January 07, 2000.
My C2000Z (purchased in late '99 by my brother in Japan and aquired by me in june 2000) is having a similar problem. It fires the flash OK but out of sync with the shutter. Fortunately one can do without the flash in most circumstances with this wonder :-) Have to talk to the Olympus tech support though in Sydney to find out what can be done.
-- Tad Solich (tsolich@senet.com.au), July 18, 2000.