Microsoft Says It's Ready for Y2K ; 11:28pm AP Headline 12/26 : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Microsoft Says It's Ready for Y2K

SEATTLE (AP)  Microsoft President Steve Ballmer will be on the phone first thing in the morning on New Year's Eve, talking with Microsoft's Asian offices and getting an indication of how Microsoft products, and the world, is handling the rollover to the year 2000. At midnight local time, if all goes well, Ballmer and chief operating officer Bob Herbold will be presiding over a party for some 300 of the software giant's employees and their families, while 6,000 operators remain on standby to take tech support calls. And if all doesn't go well? Microsoft says it's prepared, but isn't too concerned.

Tokyo Stocks Fall in Early Trading

TOKYO (AP)  Japanese stocks fell moderately on profit-taking early Monday. The Nikkei shed 38.90 points to 18,546.05 in early trading. On Friday, the average closed up 123.02 points. Traders were also cautious about possible further intervention by Japan's central bank, which intervened to stem the yen's rise against the dollar by buying greenbacks on Friday.


-- Hokie (, December 26, 1999


"And if all doesn't go well? Microsoft says it's prepared, but isn't too concerned."

Isn't too concerned? Yeah, I guess that's one of the nice things about a monopoly. If the people get pissed, tough sh*t, they don't have any choice!

They forgot to mention that Bill Gates will be on a yacht in Australia ready to assume a new identity if TSHTF.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 27, 1999.

6,000 techs on call

Billy Boy, what you will need are six thousand lawyers, if you are lucky. If you draw the short straw then six thousand bodyguards will be needed.


-- cgbg jr (, December 27, 1999.

Can a company that can't even come up with a consistent file naming system for its "patches" and upgrades be trusted to do a consistent job in the code? [NO!]

Here are names of some I've downloaded:
168115us5.exe (Win security update 2)
238453US5.EXE (Win security update 1)
245729US5.EXE (Win security update)
q240308.exe (Update .. security ... ActiveX...)
telnet95.exe (Malformed Telnet Argument)
3304up95.exe (Fragmented ... Vulnerability)
W95Y2K.EXE (Windows 95 Year 2000 Update)
W95KRNLUPD.EXE (Windows Socket Update...)
W95OLEUPD.EXE (Windows 95 OLE 32 Update)

All from SPEU.EXE (Windows Library Update) W95lfnb.exe (Long-Filename Backup Tool)

-- A (, December 27, 1999.

italics off.

-- Billy Boy (, December 27, 1999.

How many more patches are going to be necessary in order to be compliant by 2000? Geez! I can't believe how many patches I've had to install.

-- TM (, December 27, 1999.

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