TBY2K Y2K Back-Up Alternate Sites?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

Sysops n Moderators,

As a contingency... even though Im assured that server the Greenspun LUSENET Forums are on, is Y2K compliant and that it will be up during the rollover, and not turned off as will other computers in and around the MIT system... however... Shift Happens.

In the event the TimeBomb 2000 Forum is inaccessible, these are some alternate places to meet.

Any comments? Is it ready to post? What is our policy about Arnnie Rimmers web-board at http://crweb5.wsdynamics.com:8080/~tbaux? Open... or by invitation only... or open after real e-mail?



1) Rick Cowles site...


Click on the Year 2000 link on left-hand index, then on EnergyLand Y2k Forum link or a new online bulletin board (BBS) and chat room. Or... click on Site Map and then Y2K - Forums.

2) S.F. Gate Y2K Bulletin Board


3) Cory Hamasakis One List dc-y2k-WRP@onelist.com


See links here as well...


4) Deja.coms cs.y2k comp.software.year-2000 Forum...


5) Yahoos Y2K Board: Staring Down the Millenium Bug


6) A private TBY2K Back-up site, that you must register with. E-mail us at y2ktimebomb2000@yahoo.com with a real e-mail address, and you may receive directions. (Or not... if youre a disruptor).

7) Y2K News Magazine -- Discussion Forums


8) Steve Daviss Coalition2000.org [civicprep] lists.


To subscribe to civicprep, send an e-mail to listserv@4hlists.org with "subscribe civicprep your_name" in the subject or the body of the message.

Read about the Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) also hosted on the greenspun.com LUSENET forums site...



Michael Hyatts Prep Discussions are not available to new posters. Closed to newcomers due to actions of previous disruptors, until after January 11th, 2000.


-- Anonymous, December 28, 1999



Just tried to access Arnnie's place and the DNS wouldn't take me there...



-- Anonymous, December 28, 1999

It's 1017 Eastern and I couldn't getinto Arnie's site either. Let's hope it's just maintenance.

Perhaps the only workable answer for access to Arnie's board is via a combination of invitation and real e-mail. A mass mailing could be done to those we "know" are okay, leaving a minimum (ha!) to apply by real e-mail. We don't have to say up front, but the "applicant" should be a name we recognize. If we don't recognize the handle, we should ask the "applicant" for an oldtimer to vouch for him or her. These requests would be left for a while so that we get the majority of the "known" handles on board before the trolls start using familiar names. I know it's a bit cumbersome but I don't see how else we'll keep out most of the trolls. Let's face it, anyone can sign up for a free e-mail account--and I bet most of the trolls have accounts just waiting to be used. (They're not stupid, only twisted!) Obviously, some trolls are going to get through but this method should keep it to a minimum--and let's hope they're not ALL on a troll e-mail network.

Obviously, the above would apply to a private TBY2K back-up site.

Could we all also swap phone numbers to keep in touch via phone if necesary (and possible!)? I'd be happy to take in numbers and any alternative e-mail addresses and circulate a complete list

e-mail is jimp7@mindspring.com

-- Anonymous, December 28, 1999

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