Posted this on Humpty Y2K, just wanted to post it here too. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Rollover/Back-Up Forum : One Thread

(I put this up on Humpty Dumpty Y2K early this AM, I just wanted to repost it here for all of you who were not using Humpty this morning. Just my sincere thanks to you all.)

Just in case we totally run out of forums in the near future I would like to extend my thanks to all of you. TB2000 and it's dwellers, whether good, bad, or ugly, have been an invaluable asset in both my further understanding of Y2K (been at it about 3 years) and my preparations for it. I would especially like to thank those posters who were able to take the time to find news articles of merit, Mr. Beanfang comes immediately to mind but there are several others. I will continue to post my acerbic little comments till the end, but I just wanted to get this out of the way at this point. Like many of you, I have had to suffer the indignities of being viewed as "one of those Y2K people". It sure was nice to have a place to visit that made me feel sane. Hopefully the new year will bring us a world that has every right to scoff at our fears. I doubt it though, I think things are going to get ugly out there. But regardless of how things develop and where I end up personally, I owe TB2000 and it's citizens a debt of gratitude beyond measure. You will always have a place in my heart. Thanks,

John Ludi

-- Ludi (, December 29, 1999


I agree, when I tried to come to the Yourdon board today and it was gone, I had a feeling of great loss. I have been lurking/coming here for over a year now, via Cory Hamasaki's site, and have gotten to "cyber-know and cyber-trust" people like Old Git, Chuck Rienzo, Diane, Robert Cook, Arnie Rimmer, Big Dog and several others. I have learned so much, found so much support, and enjoyed all of the interactions which, save for the Trolls, have been candid, respectful, often humorous and always informative. Today's experience taught me that in the brave new post internet world, there will have to be new words to describe the strong connections one can make to those they have never met. Not exactly relationships, but not nothing either as evidenced by the lump in my throat today at seeing Phil Greenspun's message about the Server. Thanks to all, good luck and hope to see you on the other side.

-- y2kfallback (, December 29, 1999.

I'd just like to echo what Ludi said, even though I'm a relative new commer here. When the forum went down last night I found my self mentally wandering as though a family had been lost. I hope that a mirror is setup for the rollover if this server is taken down and that everybody comes back if in whatever minimal way that may be possible due to disruptions so we can all be kept appraised of what is really happening rather than what TPTB tell us.

-- Interested Spectator (is@the_ring.side), December 29, 1999.

I agree with John Ludi, all except the part about the bad and the ugly.

-- Earl (, December 29, 1999.

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