Is there a way to burn a *.vob file on a CD-R that will be read like a DVD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there a way to burn a *.vob file on a CD-R that will be read like a DVD? If so, is there a way to encode or write a dvd (*.vob) file? Thanks for any help

-- Jay (, December 30, 1999


thier is a way, BUT it will only give you 15mins of dvd quality on a cdr. Go to this site for more details

-- Doug (, December 30, 1999.

Can you do that?... Yes you can. Will the CD-R "trick" a DVD player as it being a short duration DVD? It won't. This is because the player uses different lasers to read DVDs and CDs. Once the player detects that the disk inserted is unreadable as a DVD, it switches by default into CD mode; but now it searches for a Video-CD or Audio-CD. Not anymore for a DVD.


-- Matias (, January 04, 2000.

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