japan... 2 nukes malfunction seconds after rollover.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

has anyone heard any updates or have more information on this?


-- marianne (uranus@nbn.net), December 31, 1999


Go to the drudgereport.com

-- Help Me (TimeBomb@Yahoo.com), December 31, 1999.


-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), December 31, 1999.


-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), December 31, 1999.

From Drugereport:

[Fair use for educational purposes.]

Minor faults strike two Japanese nuclear plants at dawn of 2000

TOKYO, Jan 1 (AFP) - Minor faults struck two nuclear power plants in Japan seconds after the clock ticked into 2000 on Saturday but no danger was reported, officials said.

Government and company officials launched investigations into whether the glitches were related to the millennium bug, which caused few other problems in Japan.

If a connection is proved, they would be the first cases of the millennium bug striking nuclear plants.

A system to monitor radiation levels malfunctioned at a nuclear plant in Ishikawa, central Japan, immediately after the turn of the year, officials said.

"Two of the five monitoring computers have stopped displaying data," said Takashi Minami, a local government official at Ishikawa prefecture which operates the detection system.

"There is a possibility that this is related to the 2000 computer problem," Minami conceded, insisting however that the system worked in other ways and there was no danger.

"Our preparation might not have been good enough," he added.

And an alarm sounded for 10 minutes at another nuclear power plant in Onagawa, northern Japan, just two minutes after midnight, indicating a problem with a guage to measure sea water problems.

The alarm showed a defect with a calculator which measures the temperature of seawater before it is used as a coolant at the plant run by Tohoku Electric Power Co., a company official said.

"The alarm went off only once, and it has not resumed. This will not directly affect nuclear plant operations. We are investigating the case," Kanichiro Kobiyama, a spokesman for the plant, told AFP.

"We are not sure if it is related to the 2000 computer problem."

Takashi Ichinomiya, an official at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry working on the millennium bug, said he was investigating the incident.

But "there were no concrete problems, no danger and we have no plan to shut down the plant," he added.

Fears about nuclear power have increased in Japan since September 30 when three workers at a uranium processing plant in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo, set off the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

They triggered a critical reaction that exposed at least 126 people to radiation and forced more than 320,000 to shelter at home for more than a day. The worst affected worker, 35-year-old Hisashi Ouchi, died December 22.

Fifty minutes into the new millennium, Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi addressed the nation on television declaring that "fortunately, we have not heard of any situation affecting people's lives."

Two million state and corporate officials were on guard around the country against the bug and many people had followed government advice to stock up with three days' worth of food and water just in case.

"We have not monitored any major problem," said a spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co. Ltd.

JR East, the eastern Japan railway network with the world's heaviest passenger load, stopped trains for a few minutes over midnight but reported no problem in restarting.

A spokesman for Tokyo-Narita airport, Japan's main international gateway, also reported no trouble.

Fifty thousand people meanwhile packed the grounds of the timber Zojo Buddhist temple in central Tokyo with 3,000 people releasing transparent balloons at the stroke of midnight.

Monks in robes intoned Buddhist chants and swung a wooden beam by ropes to strike a five-meter (16-foot) high bronze bell, housed in the temple grounds. The bell was struck 109 times to bring in the New Year.

-- Deb M. (vmcclell@columbus.rr.com), December 31, 1999.

http://sg.dailynews.yahoo.com/headlines/asia/article.html? s=singapore/headlines/000101/asia/afp/Minor_faults_strike_two_Japanese _nuclear_plants_at_dawn_of_2000.html

Also, Dan Rather was on at half-time of Min-Ore game. Got a phone call from a distraught friend who said rather also mentioned that the phone system was also down. Didn't see it myself.

-- Ishkabibble (ishman@home.com), December 31, 1999.

THIS is a good example of the REALISTIC kinds of serious Y2K problems that have been feared. If nuclear plants are found to be at risk, they may have to shut down. If this happens in the U.S., it will mean a reduction of electricity for 20%-40% of the nation, which could mean it has to get rationed.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), December 31, 1999.


What? Two minor problems, one of them transient, are good examples of serious problems? When will you start telling us that white is a good example of black?

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), December 31, 1999.

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