Millenium Bug Problem : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm not sure just how serious or widespread a problem this is, but I noticed earlier today that my 1999 paper calendar no longer functioned properly... Anyone else have this difficulty or knowledge of a possible firmware upgrade available from the manufacturer?

Sorry folks, I was just meandering by, saw it was a slow day, noticed your legs hangin' out and just had to pull 'em... ;-)

-- Gerald Payne (, January 01, 2000


True story...

I went to Barnes & Noble to find an Irish CD by Mary Black. After looking in the Irish section with no luck I checked the computer they had in the corner. It came up with several Mary Black titles, but no information on location or if it was even in stock. I went to the service counter and they were happy to look it up for me - but indicated their computer showed no CD's by Mary Black in any categories... "That's funny", I said, your other computer showed several." The clerk asked if I had a CD title she could search on. "No Frontiers" I replied. "I have that one!" she said, "but it's listed under Mark Black."

...looks like their computer was struck with a nasty Y to K bug...

(Yes - this really happened to me!)


-- Dan Desjardins (, January 01, 2000.

Do you suppose Mark had an operation?

-- Dave Clark (, January 04, 2000.

A new bug - just one of our computers (the one I was trying to use!) at work had a problem - I called it the Y-this-1

-- Eileen Morrisot (we108918@nassau;, January 04, 2000.

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