Forum Rollover??. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Why is everyone so depressed?, so far nothing bad, or catastrophic has happened!. I for one think it is GREAT!. If it wasn't for Gary North, and others like him preaching DOOM, and GLOOM, then it surely would have happened. They made the world aware of the problem, and so far the problems have been averted. We owe them a little gratatude, to say the least. And folks, we are not out of the woods yet, for fixing this problem has been one of the main factors that has kept the U.S. out of a major recession, or worse, a depression. Now that the Y2K repairs are on the wane, you can look for the IT stocks to slide down. This will in turn bring the rest of the markets worldwide down with it. Don't relax just yet Brothers, for life isn't, nor will ever be a bed of roses. Another thing, when do we change the name of this Forum to read, "Y3K preparation Forum"?. Don't leave just yet friends, for things can still get interesting. Sincerely, The Happy Hoarder. Ps. I'm now Hoarding for Y3K, nothing like getting in on the start of a thing, is it?.

-- The Happy Hoarder (, January 02, 2000

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